As the painting's biographer, Donald Sassoon, dryly notes, "In reality the effect can be obtained from any portrait."
JOAN HASLIP, 82, popular biographer of such historical figures as France's Marie Antoinette and Emperor Maximilian of Mexico.
82岁的琼·哈斯利普(JOAN HASLIP)是法国的玛丽·安托瓦内特(Marie Antoinette)和墨西哥的皇帝马克西米兰(Maximilianof Mexico)等历史人物的著名传记作家。
Because Naipaul tells them to his authorized biographer.
"They can't possibly stick with it," says Murdoch's biographer, Michael Wolff.
“For me the paint is the person, ” Freud explained to Lawrence Gowing, a biographer.
One biographer credits him with "discovering gravitation," and where would we be without that?
A biographer can seek corroboration elsewhere; a personal memoir does not have that advantage.
They did see him, though, as her official biographer put it, Queen Elizabeth was not enthusiastic.
This is an irony that Keynes would have appreciated, according to his biographer, Robert Skidelsky.
援引凯恩斯传记作者罗伯特.斯基德尔斯基(Robert Skidelsdy)的说法,凯恩斯会很感激这个讽刺的现实。
“I thought he was quite simply the most wonderfulperson I had ever met,” concedes the biographer.
Before she died in 2005, Mrs. Parks told Douglas Brinkley, her biographer, that she posed for the picture.
Not everyone is convinced Fidel stays on the margins. "I doubt he is retired," said Volker Skierka, a biographer.
并不是所有人都相信菲德尔真的已经不问世事,传记作者Volker Skierka说:“我对他的退休表示怀疑。”
Michael Holroyd, a biographer, fears that literature "has become the younger brother of the performing arts."
“His good side was every bit as good as his bad side was bad, ” the Rockefeller biographer, Ron Chernow, has said.
As she said in December to Olga Wornat, her biographer and a longtime friend, "This is what Nestor would want me to do."
正如她在12月对其传记作者及长期挚友olga Wornat所说的,“这是nestor会希望我做的”。
He cannot begin to see himself as his biographer or reader sees him, for the pain of others always reverts back to his own.
Jobs tells biographer Walter Isaacson that Google has stolen the design for Apple's iPhone, which Jobs introduced in 2007.
Yet the arch Mr Wolff, who enjoyed extensive access to Mr Murdoch, his family and executives, still seems an odd choice of biographer.
The great man once walked 15 miles to Dunfermline wrapped only in his thoughts and his dressing gown, according to an early biographer.
A new study of Joyce by Gordon Bowker, a biographer, claims that Ireland's greatest novelist preferred to travel on a British passport.
A freelance writer is suing biographer Kitty Kelley, claiming the author plagiarized his work in her new book about President Bush and his family.
As a biographer of Albert Einstein and Benjamin Franklin, Mr. Isaacson knows how to explicate and celebrate genius: revered, long-dead genius.
Biographer Claire Tomalin takes this further. "Any journal that is intended for publication - even in 100 years' time - is probably in some way compromised."
To imagine, as some do, that the red shirts will all go home to tend their fields is wishful thinking, argues Chris Baker, a historian and biographer of Mr Thaksin.
To imagine, as some do, that the red shirts will all go home to tend their fields is wishful thinking, argues Chris Baker, a historian and biographer of Mr Thaksin.