He said that couples, gay and straight, who wanted fertility treatment were often worried about the effect on a child of knowing that they could track down their missing biological parent.
'If you look at the studies into paternity, even conservative figures show that between eight and 15 percent of children haven't been fathered by the man who thinks he's the biological parent.
The 42% of Americans who have at least one step-relative typically feel a stronger sense of obligation to their biological parent, child or sibling than to their step-relatives, the Pew survey says.
Only Constanza’s biological mother — the pair will not say which one gave birth to her because, as they explain, they are both her mothers — is her legal parent.
Today's families may include both the biological mother and father or a single parent or guardian, grandparents or other extended family, same-gender parents, or foster parents.
Chemical modification of protein, as an effective way to improve the physicochemical and biological characteristics of the parent protein, has attracted much research and development interest.
The distribution of element in soil profile was related to the characteristics of elements, soil parent, topography, climate and intensity of geological leaching and biological accumulation.
The most common type of single-parent family is one that consists of a mother and her biological children.
Social scientists have found that children growing up in single-parent families are disadvantaged in some ways when compared to those from two-biological-parent families.
Social scientists have found that children growing up in single-parent families are disadvantaged in some ways when compared to those from two-biological-parent families.