It's fun when clever people can draw big-picture conclusions from small bits of information collected as part of daily life.
If you are a techno DJ by night, and a cubicle dweller by day, your Facebook page can be a mix of your music and professional life, and you can still keep your personal bits to yourself.
We’ve all used these quotes to get us through snags in our life, and whose responsible for those bits of inspiration?
生活中,我们都曾用这些言语激励自己。 又是谁写出了这样激人奋进的言语?
The slide show of P.D., Jr.'s life, to be sure, features some ugly bits--inflation, recession, rising unemployment, harmful speculation, ballooning debt.
He is on a constant quest for knowledge, enjoys discussing life lessons, and loves to search for bits of enlightenment in everyday life.
He desires your full devotion, not little bits of your life.
We have to find our way about in the vast medley of created things that life spreads out around us, and pick up what bits of knowledge we can as we make our way along.
Residents and rescue teams picked through the wreckage of collapsed homes, looking for the dead or for bits and pieces to make life in tents or in the cold outdoors a little easier.
I shall have to toil and moil all my days, with only little bits of fun now and then, and get old and ugly and sour, because I'm poor and can't enjoy my life as other girls do.
I'd suggest starting small, with one area of your life, and making small bits of white space.
We are on a lower dimension of life and as such instead of combusting into bits, we would gradually fade as all life would die off in the dance of extinction.
I'm very happy with the Miller High Life redesign, because it had everything; a brand with an impressive design history, decorative caps, formal script as well as various bits of supplementary type.
Find your path to financial freedom and manage your cash creatively with Money Making Mom, in which real-life stories, handy tips, and bits of wisdom are Shared.
Allow the fractured bits of self related to return now that were suspended in the polarity held of light medium and dark in your life.
The whirling is one of the main reasons of decreasing the life and the useful effect of PDC bits.
PD C钻头的涡动是影响其使用寿命和效果的主要原因之一。
The aerated foam mud fluids can used in negative drilling, and enlarge the life of drilling bits for its low density, and low sap pressure.
With 20 rock bits which used in the field, bearings' surface metallography, rigidity, and the main factors influence the life of the rock bit journal bearings were studied.
What you should really think about doing is taking the best bits from several of them and animating just one shambling mockery of life.
They use a zestyraspberryjam as a filling and a chocolate ganachecoating with the quintessentialshreddedcoconut dusting. Bits of plain sponge cake are given new life.
They use a zesty raspberry jam as a filling and a chocolate ganache coating with the quintessential shredded coconut dusting. Bits of plain sponge cake are given new life.
All these clothes have recorded intervals of my life, accumulated bits of my biography, which I can "read and remember how things were."
The results show that the vibration of drilling strings will produce the fluctuation of weight on bits by random excitation, so the bit life and drilling rate are affected largely.
Allow the fractured bits of self related to return now that were suspended in the polarity held of light medium and dark in your work life.
Allow the fractured bits of self related to return now that were suspended in the polarity held of light medium and dark in your life due to friendship.
By mixing with a little olive oil, give the last bits of your condiments new life.
Infants who are exclusively breastfed early in life are more likely by age 4 or 5 to have longer telomeres, the protective bits of DNA that cap the ends of chromosomes in cells.
With 20 years'production practice, the writer proposes the methods of improving the service life of wire - line impregnated diamond drilling bits from 8 aspects.
With 20 rock bits which used in the field, bearings surface metallography, rigidity, and the main factors influence the life of the rock bit journal bearings were studied.
Granny took it all in, listening patiently while I sputtered about the bits and pieces of grief in my life.
Granny took it all in, listening patiently while I sputtered about the bits and pieces of grief in my life.