The French parliament has only one black person representing mainland France.
It was not only that he was the first black person to assume the globe's greatest office.
I spotted about a half dozen Asians, three or four Latinos, and one black person. All the rest were white.
WHITE people tend to be nervous of raising the subject of race and education, but are often voluble on the issue if a black person brings it up.
Mississippi also passed a law saying a black person could be forced to work for a white man — usually his former owner — if he had no other job.
Many of the Union soldiers had never really spoken with a black person before; the Vermont farmboys had perhaps never even seen one before leaving home.
For example, the average black person lives in a neighborhood that is 45 percent black. Without segregation, his neighborhood would be only 13 percent black.
For example, the state legislature in Mississippi said no black person could rent farmland. It said a black person needed special permission to work at any job except farming.
Past oppression probably counts for much of the persistence of black poverty: in 1967, according to the census, the average black person had an income that was just 54% of the average white one.
Past oppression probably counts for much of the persistence of black poverty: in 1967, according to the census, the average black person had an income that was just 54% of the average white one.
The painting depicts a screaming person with the backdrop of black running river and blood-red sky.
In 1997 at Black Rock Desert, Nevada, he drove Thrust SSC to become the first person to break the sound barrier in a car and set the existing land-speed record of 763mph.
Inhabitants there sip large quantities of hot black tea - typically drinking more than a liter (1.8 pints) per day per person - but also have a low incidence of tobacco and alcohol use.
But we will say, as a general rule, we believe this person could be a white individual or a black or African-American individual, or perhaps Hispanic, Native American.
As I looked harder and longer, as my eyes got used to the solid black wall, I wondered if an unknown person for an unknown reason had draped a black blanket over our door.
I had the option of cutting my hair, but a person who is black, Hispanic, or of Asian descent cannot hide the way he looks (nor should he have to).
A silhouette is the image of a person, an object or scene consisting of the outline as well as a featureless interior, with the silhouetted object usually being black.
Since 1996 average black income per person has more than tripled in real terms, to nearly 20, 000 rand.
Drugs like these can easily be mixed in drinks to make a person black out and forget things that happen.
The colorist is the person who knows at once how to analyze a color, when it sees it in nature, and can say, for instance: that green-grey is yellow with black and blue, etc.
Rosa Parks and three other black people were seated in the middle area of the bus when a white person got on the bus and wanted a seat.
Black skin person unfavorable wear white or pink stones, lest strong contrast, and make skin appear darker.
Since the night gave me black eyes, the eyes of the future, you will only see a person.
BLACK: Mysterious, dark, there is strength, elegance sedate, give a person a kind of integrity, selfless integrity of the image.
"Tex has been a vital part of our success over the last decade and is obviously a very important person to Phil Jackson, " team spokesman John Black said.
"Tex has been a vital part of our success over the last decade and is obviously a very important person to Phil Jackson, " team spokesman John Black said.