The blowing sand stung his cheeks.
It's commonly found in arid regions to provide protection from direct exposure to the sun, as well to protect the mouth and eyes from blowing dust and sand.
Weather stations in several cities on the North China Plain reported blowing sand and poor visibility in the hours it took the storm to pass.
An emigre returning after several years away says a gentle change is blowing across the country, like the wind that deposits black sand from the Karakum desert over Niyazov's white marble capital.
But I am treated like a mineral, a bit of sand blowing about with no sense of you and no knowledge of myself.
The sodium silicate sand prepared with higher modulus sodium silicate has advantages of low residual strength, short CO2 blowing time, high moisture absorption ability and surface stability.
Years of exposure to the ocean winds, blowing sand and salt water, had taken its toll physically on the structure as well.
Different land use types have different sand blowing properties, which indicates that adjusting land use structure is an important method to control sand blowing in Beijing.
You're right. It's dirty from all the dust and sand blowing around in the wind.
This series air compressor widely used in pneumatic lock, pneumatic tool, tire inflation, blowing process, spray paint, sand blasting and blasting and fluidic element.
This series air compressor widely used in pneumatic lock, pneumatictool, t ere en fe inflation, blowing process, spray paint, sand blasting and fluidic element.
In recent years, the numerical simulation of sand blowing process based on two-phase flow theory has been taken seriously and some results have been achieved.
The sources of sand-dust during sand blowing weather mainly come from Beijing outskirts.
Therefor, it is greatly significant to clarify the mechanism of sand blowing process so as to control the production of sand core.
Time, blowing sand and other environmental factors degrade glass surfaces. The aluminum material is expected to retain its clarity for much longer.
Fine flat sand, never a cat's paw, trees all around of it, and flowers a-blowing like a garding on that old ship.
Trees can stop the wind from blowing the earth away. They can also prevent the sand from moving toward the rich land.
Soon, while blowing sand, insects sensitive blinked, escaped the sand.
The sandstorm, blowing sand, and floating dust day Numbers assume the obviously reduced tendency.
I wind kept blowing, the hair was Chuisan, some sand into the eyes, tears streaming down can not help.
Describing similar dunes, Kirby said that "dried sand particles that were contaminated by oil were blowing into the dunes of the back beach."
Blowing sand with automatic devices and radio-fast-die devices.
There is an obvious developing tendency of sandy desertification in the blowing sand region of middle Ningxia in historical time, especially since 1950's.
The utility model relates to a dust storm sampler, which is used for collecting grains in dust storm whether, sand blowing whether and floating whether.
The utility model relates to a dust storm sampler, which is used for collecting grains in dust storm whether, sand blowing whether and floating whether.