Thine sweetness turned into pieces of warm wind, and been mixed in the blue air.
The trees were standing straight pointing upright to the sky. White louds floated in the blue air.
Suddenly the lights came on up the whole length of Fifth Avenue, chains of misty brilliance in the blue air.
Suddenly the lights came on up the whole length of Fifth Avenue, chains of misty brilliance in the blue air.
Suddenly the lights came on uo the whole length of Fifth Avenue, chains of misty brilliance in the blue air.
The blue air of spring, fresh from its memories of windy pools and lush shrubbery, could thrill him with eagerness.
Against the peaceful landscape, the pale, decaying tints of the copses, the blue air of the horizon, and the lichened stile-boards, these staring vermilion words shone forth.
To fly, of course, is the fastest way, but you can't see anything during your stay in the air but the blue sky and white clouds.
Thirty seconds later, at a quiet exit on the east side of the Capitol, the powerfully built blond man in the blue blazer stepped into the damp night air.
Air pockets are shown as blue, soft tissues as beige, blood vessels as red and bone as white.
The silver-rimmed air vents and blue detailing in the headlights are neat touches that round off the controversial design.
The texture and colours of ice can also vary.The lower the air content, the more the colour changes from white to blue - just like your fingers.
When Air Force One and other planes in the iconic blue and white color scheme were on stops at Air Force bases around the country, the wing invited service members to come take a look.
Deeply pierced for air circulation and exposed to certain penicillium bacteria, blue-veined cheeses vary widely in tartness, intensity, and creaminess.
Instead of the colourless air of the uplands the atmosphere down there was a deep blue.
Three yellow-billed blue magpies throw themselves into the air with startled chortles, fluttering their absurdly long tail feathers.
When is the last time you felt the fresh air, admired the beautiful blue sky and saw the beauty in the trees lining your street?
With this new start, I firmly believe, that our children, and our children's children will live in a brand new age of green trees, clean air, crystal water, blue sky and an even more promising world!
The clay was taken from the furnace and set down upon a board, in the cool air, under the blue sky.
It was collectively, in its clumps of khaki, navy and air force blue, that the congregation had its force.
What makes this place even more stunning, especially at night, is shots of sulphuric gases that combust into glints of bright blue upon contact with air.
The air was blue where I worked and I am dying of lung cancer from second-hand smoke.
It was going to be a hot one. He turned up the air-conditioning, then tuned into his favorite satellite radio channel, Blue Collar Comedy.
The "water" that you see is the blue sky reflected on hot air floating on top of the highway.
There are flying birds, how they think the sky is blue, how broad, how the air is fresh, and so they fly forward energetically.
I need my daughters, and my daughters' children and their children to enjoy clean fresh air, unpolluted seas, blue skies and abundant sunshine wherever they live.
I need my daughters, and my daughters' children and their children to enjoy clean fresh air, unpolluted seas, blue skies and abundant sunshine wherever they live.