The "Blue Lake Grotto" is part of one of the world's largest flooded cavities.
A torrent of digits cascaded down shiny, black rocks and emptied into a gleaming, blue lake.
You can boat on the blue lake, enjoy fishing , enjoy the taste of fish you got by yourselves;
Rippling blue lake, the shore of verdant trees, lawn grass, flowers are a bright, pleasant scenery.
You must journey through those mountains till you find a green valley with a blue lake in it, walled round by mountains of ice.
At last they came to a blue lake, and by the side of it, shaded by trees of the deepest green, stood a palace of dazzling white marble, built in the olden times.
The world famous "Gruta do Lago Azul" (Blue Lake Cave) is a natural monument whose interior is formed by stalactites, stalagmites and a huge and wonderful blue lake.
It is located in the communities of Blue Lake County, which is rich in the resources of community activities and parents who are supporting and understanding our school's education.
Over here between Red Sun Mountain and the lake, is the Blue Waterfall, one of the biggest in lu Shan.
Five-hour glacier treks bring you up close and personal to the glacier's myriad peaks, fissures and, if you're lucky, the ice cavern the lake hollows underneath, all effusing an ethereal blue glow.
The Blue Lagoon is a mineral-rich seawater lake heated by lava.
Scenic Lake Como, with its deep blue waters, has long been known as "the looking glass of Venus."
Terra's ASTER sensor captured this view of filaments of blue-green algae swirling across Guatemala's Lake Atitlán on November 22, 2009.
He raised his mournful eyes towards the deep blue sky, where the stars were floating like white lilies on the surface of a clear calm lake.
The Blue Nile rises in Lake Tana in the Ethiopian highlands, the White Nile in Lake Victoria in Uganda (into which flow rivers from Rwanda and Tanzania).
From the early morning until dusk, elderly women and girls, dressed in traditional blue and black hats and tunics, sell embroidered clothing on the bank of the Stone Forest Lake.
When they got to the lake, they gazed curiously at the water sparkling in the sun, at the bright blue sky and the trees standing along the lake.
If directed toward inside again, is an unbroken volcanic lake, appear blue, orange, red, white wait seven colors interlaced lake, transpiration fast-you wonderful phantasy.
On the remote western edge of Uganda the land suddenly drops down into the western arm of the Great Rift Valley to reveal the vast expanse of Lake Albert and the blue mountains of Congo beyond.
在乌干达遥远的西部边区,突然之间大地陷入了东非大裂谷(Great Rift)西翼的怀抱,绵延广阔的阿尔伯特湖(LakeAlbert)就藏在山谷之中,它的外面就是刚果的蓝山山脉。
The following English name is selected in the fresh lake blue, feels fresh, natural and comfortable.
Discovered in 1853, this lake located in South Central Oregon, is awe inspiring and famous for its 20-mile circle of cliffs and indescribable deep blue color.
One picture was of a calm lake. The lake was a perfect mirror for peaceful towering mountains all around it. Overhead was a blue sky with white clouds.
The Blue Lagoon is a mineral-rich seawater lake heated by lava2.
The Blue Lagoon is a mineral-rich seawater lake heated by lava2.