Now the next slide gives you a simple version of a boiling water reactor, a schematic.
There are several different types of nuclear reactors, including boiling water reactor systems and pressurized water reactor systems.
In a boiling water reactor like those at Fukushima, the same water that cools the reactor core also boils and drives the turbine to generate power.
We have again the core and as you recall in a boiling water reactor the main feedwater goes into the reactor and comes out as steam and goes right to the turbine.
The emergency cooling system pump and motor for a boiling-water reactor are roughly the size and height of a compact hatchback car standing on its back bumper.
The reactor that was not cooling properly in Japan, the Fukushima Daiichi No. 1 reactor, was a boiling-water type.
Daiichi's No. 1 reactor — the oldest of six boiling-water units at the site, according to the nuclear association — began commercial operation in March 1971.
It depends on the plant.It depends on whether it's a boiling-water reactor or a pressurized-water reactor.
At present, the pressurized water reactor and boiling water nuclear power reactor in the largest proportion.
At present, the pressurized water reactor and boiling water nuclear power reactor in the largest proportion.