The Book of Revelation seems to have a dual purpose.
In the Book of Revelation it's the number of the beast; it's the number of the devil.
Ephesus hosted one of the seven churches of Asia, addressed in the Book of Revelation (2:1? 7).
所主持亚洲七个教堂之一,这一点在《启示录》(2:1 -7)中有所提到。
Next Mandarin Sunday school begins on April. Pastor Shu will lead us to study the book of Revelation.
Now this allusion here in this verse epistle to his father is to a passage from the book of Revelation.
That's the nature of God, that's the numerical value of God and Christ at the end of the book of Revelation.
We've looked already at some of these documents that seem clearly to be anti-Rome such as the Book of Revelation.
Remember the "lake of fire" in the Book of Revelation? Remember that those who live by the sword will die by the sword?
One of the most significant messages of the book of Revelation is that God will ultimately manifest His holiness and punish all unholiness.
Now let's go to the Book of Revelation and read one more text and see how important it is to be found without spot-not defiled-when the Lord comes.
It ends up being a big cataclysmic crash at the end of the book, so this is why I call this a spiral of cycles that are going on in the book of Revelation.
The identity of the Antichrist, a. k. a. Beast from the Sea, a. k. a. Son of Satan, remains one of the most disputed questions raised by the Book of Revelation.
His glory and holiness are no longer veiled, so that the description of Jesus in the Book of Revelation is the description of Him as he now is and forever will be.
Dr Margaret Barker, a former President of the Society for Old Testament Study, said: 'the book of Revelation tells of a sealed book that was opened only by the Messiah.
To those who know, the book is a revelation of the intimate relation between a child's instincts and the finished art of dramatic presentation.
If you ever read the Book of Apocalypse — or Revelation -you know it's hellfire and brimstone, the day of judgment, damnation — election into the group of the blessed, and so on.
One of the things is,if you notice, the Book Revelation doesn't give one strict timeline.
In addition, the team also designed a comic book, Tips, security, and so little knowledge of the content, so that staff from the throttle into over by the revelation.
In addition, the team also designed a comic book, Tips, security, and so little knowledge of the content, so that staff from the throttle into over by the revelation.