The current mechanism of American intelligence has a good directive function on our border-control intelligence w…
In my first book, "war at the Top of the World," I predicted the two Asian giants would go to war over their Himalayan border, Burma and sea control.
"Its within walking distance," says Kuletski, "There are many Romanians employed by the clinic who cross through border control every day for work."
We are even fully a participating member in the EU border control scheme, Schengen.
They already control the markets in Russian border towns, where they are the richest private business owners.
An integration project with the goal of generalizing control of the data often runs into border disputes between interests.
But for most of us, having no fingerprints would be a nightmare, causing problems at border control and when proving our identity.
Border control personnel were mystified when the woman told them she could not comply because she did not have fingerprints.
In my first book, war at the Top of the World, I predicted the two Asian giants would go to war over their Himalayan border, Burma, and sea control.
Rebel control of the border at Tobruk in the east and Wazin in the Nafusa mountains bordering Tunisia gave the militia unbroken supply lines, while the colonel's lines began to fragment.
Countries are once more called upon to strengthen in-country as well as cross-border HPAI control measures, FAO added.
The natives do not have to deal with enhanced border control procedures.
Then, the next declaration asserts that each XForms output and input control within a repeat will be treated as a table cell, having a solid border and a light gray background.
Objective To analyze the relationship between the malaria control resources with malaria transmission at Yunnan border areas and provide basis for reasonable allocation of malaria control resources.
This region was the northernmost border of the English territory, under the jurisdiction, or legal control, of the London Virginia Company.
Frontline officers remain vigilant. Adopting a risk management approach, inspections of suspected cargoes and passengers baggage have been intensified at all the border control points.
Walkouts occurred across the U. K. in places from border control in transport hubs, job centers, police telephone help lines, tax offices and law courts to driving-test centers.
交通枢纽的边境控制、就业中心、警方电话求助热线、 税务局、法院和驾驶考试中心等机构都发生了罢工。
The integration uncertain border value is estimated by fuzzy inference and the soft switch control is accomplished by tanh (x) function replacing SGN (x).
According to a report in the Mirror, the team left two cars near the border of Sirte, and started blaring Bollywood songs at dawn using a remote control and two speakers.
Applying the theory of enterprise border and active cost control, a method to enhance the cost control based on the dynamic border of enterprise is presented.
Border - Changes the border color attribute for the table cell containing the module control.
The camp has become a source of tension among Calais residents and in France's relations with Britain, with London pushing for tighter border control.
Callout with border line and pointer at bottom of text block. Selection handles control paragraph width.
Callout with border line and pointer at bottom of text block. Selection handles control paragraph width.