The goats are herded with the help of Jen, a border collie.
The agouti colour does not occur in the Border Collie as far as I know.
This dog (born in 1893) served as the model for the Border Collie exterior.
It is said that the Border Collie descends from dogs used by the Vikings to herd reindeer.
She knew that would appeal to me because the Border collie is the smartest species on the planet.
An extremely healthy breed, Border Collies are susceptible only to a few disorders. One is Collie Eye Anomaly (CEA).
The Border Collie is highly intelligent, with an instinctive tendency to work and is readily responsive to training.
A border collie that scientists say may be proof that dogs truly understand human language laps up media attention, but lets his owners do the talking.
In all the books I have read on Border Collie history, I have never seen a reference to a Merle as a herding champion either in Britain or in the USA.
I am on the prowl for another shelter dog for myself; I’m looking for something a little bigger than Nora, say 30 or 40 pounds, and some type of border collie mix.
If you want to train a border collie to work sheep, you should understand that it's a long term project and put aside any desire for instant gratification and results.
After their dogs nearly wrecked their marriage, they sent Darby, an Irish terrier, and Kacee, an Australian shepherd-border collie mix, to live with a trainer for four weeks.
Or perhaps barking in general sets your teeth on edge, in which case you might want to go with a quieter dog such as a Border Collie, Beagle, Siberian Husky or Old English Sheepdog.
Or perhaps barking in general sets your teeth on edge, in which case you might want to go with a quieter dog such as a Border Collie, Beagle, Siberian Husky or Old English Sheepdog.