I've made a real botch of the decorating.
I hate having builders botch up repairs on my house.
That isn't to say it is easy and there are several ways to botch software reuse.
This is the best posting I’ve ever had, no kids, nocats, no-wax floors, so I don’t want to botch it.
A bigger mistake than any botch job you'll ever manage is to try to bury your mistakes and pretend they don't exist.
The author proposes a new algorithm, combining fuzzy control with the conventional PID regulation in accordance with botch characteristics.
The LORD will smite thee with the botch of Egypt, and with the emerods, and with the scab, and with the itch, whereof thou canst not be healed.
If you can't get the answers to basic questions right on the phone, there's no point in interviewers watching you botch those questions in person.
It's not as embarrassing to botch a basic scientific fact, if you can say that you were misled by an incorrect entry in the Encyclopedia Britannica.
I began collecting synonyms for the word "failure" mentioned in the interview, and I found more than 20: mistake, error, false start, flop, loss, miss, stumble, botch, bungle, --but not failure.
I began collecting synonyms for the word "failure" mentioned in the interview, and I found more than 20: mistake, error, false start, flop, loss, miss, stumble, botch, bungle, --but not failure.