Devout Marxists believed fascism was the "last stand of the bourgeoisie."
They represented the interests of the bourgeoisie.
Advocating Petty Bourgeoisie in disguise whitewash.
India's economy is racing ahead and the bourgeoisie is thriving.
Personally, I am a typical Shanghai woman with some petit bourgeoisie sentiments.
His was a collective hatred, and this film reflects his collective view of the bourgeoisie.
After all, she was born into the Georgia bourgeoisie, a milieu rarely thought of as action-packed.
The authors speculate that the new middle class is not an aspiring bourgeoisie of petty businessmen.
A girl from bourgeoisie discovers the pleasures of banditism, following her lover in his lifestyle.
Under what conditions does this sale of the labor of the proletarians to the bourgeoisie take place?
BOBO refers to the modern romantic petty bourgeoisie, but also the upper class intellectuals in society.
In other words, the working class have been catching up the bourgeoisie, who have been outpaced by the wealthy.
In contrast, electric coffee pot is more suitable for Petty Bourgeoisie, and the trouble the young family.
The new bourgeoisie has created an enormous market, even if you ignore wild extrapolations about the future.
Before I went to this city, one of my friend told me that Lijiang is the most pretty bourgeoisie city in China.
Mahinda, from Hambantota, represents the rural south, the Buddhist provincial bourgeoisie, rather than the urban elite.
Li Xiaonuo is angry that he Jiaqi and her petty bourgeoisie wedding was ruined by her mother-in-law's unsmiling face.
Nobody can be sure what direction today's new bourgeoisie of some 2.5 billion people will take if its aspirations are dashed.
This time it isn't royals imposing rules to tamp down the bourgeoisie, but the middle class creating rules to drag down the wealthy.
Gulangyu is a charm, with the petty bourgeoisie encounter a cats and dogs, without maps, lost in the alley, this is the Gulangyu real play.
He suddenly remembered that Fan Po-wen had often accused the "vulgar bourgeoisie" of not understanding that sublime and sacred subject Art.
The remaining part is to study and describe the image of petty bourgeoisie, petty bourgeoisie writing in Chinese literature and vogue culture since 1990s.
Rejoice in its unpredictability, in the deluge of goals, in the bravado of Burnley and Birmingham City, in the aristocracy being challenged by the bourgeoisie.
If in China, coffee is a Petty Bourgeoisie, the performance of lifestyle, as opposed to France, coffee is definitely all the people involved in civilian activities.
Ugliness becomes the core of artistic statement, however, judging ugliness in Western modern art has been regarded as the degeneration and decayed taste of Western bourgeoisie.
This is our own to do in Lijiang of a meal, usually at home cooking has become a burden, in which the enjoyment of cooking has become a kind of a petty bourgeoisie when the mood.
Marx believed that the middle class, or at least the capital-owning slice of it that he called the bourgeoisie, would always remain a small and privileged minority in modern societies.
The space inside the bookstore is uniquely decorated with turquoise wall, cane chairs and white sofas, which is perfect for a cozy afternoon or a slothful intellectual of petty bourgeoisie.
室内的装修别具 特色,湖蓝色面,藤椅白沙发,最适合一个懒懒的下午和一个懒懒的小资知识分子。
“The only hope for stopping extremists is to isolate them from society so that they are separated, so they do not have a relationship with the bourgeoisie and the other classes,” Mr. Thamer said.
"The only hope for stopping extremists is to isolate them from society so that they are separated, so they do not have a relationship with the bourgeoisie and the other classes, " Mr. Thamer said.