Objective To compare the efficacy of early rehabilitation training for children with brain damage syndrome and cerebral palsy executed in hospital and in family.
Amnesia can be caused by damage to areas of the brain that are vital for memory processing. Unlike a temporary episode of memory loss (transient global amnesia), amnestic syndrome can be permanent.
The syndrome, known medically as prosopagnosia, was long thought to be a rare neurological curiosity that resulted from brain damage.
VD is a kind of chronic brain syndrome induced by brain damage due to a series of agents related to cerebral vessels, mostly being accompanied with lasting and frequent cognition dysfunction.
Sometimes after brain damage, tumours, stroke or brain disorders such as parkinson ' s disease, people get " stonefaced " syndrome and can ' t laugh.
Sometimes after brain damage, tumours, stroke or brain disorders such as parkinson ' s disease, people get " stonefaced " syndrome and can ' t laugh.