Note here that evaluation does not take place on the same day as the brainstorming session.
Treat this discussion as a brainstorming session, and do not criticize or dismiss any ideas.
A brainstorming session helps the project team to come to a common understanding of the domain.
Re-evaluate the entire WBS after a thorough brainstorming session with the project team and key stakeholders.
As the dialog starts, Kathryn closes the brainstorming session and sums up the input that has been received.
How many times have you participated in a brainstorming session, only to be underwhelmed by the utter lack of follow up?
The entire point of a brainstorming session will be lost if everyone’s ideas aren’t duly recorded as they are proposed.
The team should go through them and evaluate each assumption for potential risks as part of the risk brainstorming session.
This person, in the role of group moderator, is responsible for making sure that the objective of the brainstorming session is clear to everyone present.
Within the rules of one speaker at a time, go around the room just as you will in your real brainstorming session and see how many answers the group can come up with.
To conduct this identification process, bring members of the development and test teams together to conduct an informed brainstorming session in front of a whiteboard.
"Some people will fly to attend a meeting that they hope to be a brainstorming session, but [in China] brainstorming doesn't take place in meetings, " Friedman explained.
The only time this is okay is when you're in an intense brainstorming session. Or you've got an urgent situation to attend to. Or you haven't seen your best friend in months.
His old boss, Mr. Gates, had asked him to explore new ways of combating malaria. At a brainstorming session in 2007, Dr. Wood, the Star Wars architect, suggested using lasers on mosquitoes.
It feels something like a brainstorming meeting or an IKEA furniture assembly session.
It feels something like a brainstorming meeting or an IKEA furniture assembly session.