Branch-off type, inseparable type and absent type are the variation types of EDCs.
The present work considers the spiral case as branch-off pipe system that diverts part of the flow consecutively as it goes around the periphery of the runner.
He chopped a branch off the tree.
She nodded and the young eagle took off from his branch and flew quickly down.
One set of developers can work on the version 1.0.1 branch while others develop off the mainline.
The root directory, denoted by a forward slash (/), is at the base of this tree, and each subdirectory off of the root is a branch of the tree.
根目录是这个树的根,由前向斜杠 (/)表示。每个子目录都是树的分支。
The HEAD stream is the main code stream that users should be integrating to (if they want to branch off on their own and then merge with the HEAD stream later, that's fine).
As you know, Kate is taking off next week for our Taichung branch office. She has been promoted to regional Accounting Manager for Action's central and southern regions.
When her mother reached the station, she found the body of her daughter "hanging" from the branch of a tree which was barely four feet off the ground.
You can experiment in a branch off the main trunk without interfering with other team members.
You can make them in any colour you like (I prefer them white actually) and I think they look lovely hanging off a branch over the table, the nativity, over someones bed even.
Then the branch wasbroken off for her, and she held it in her delicate hand, and sheltered it with her silk parasol.
And she climbed up, and with the greatest ease broke off a branch with beautiful silver leaves and golden fruit, and gave it to the knight.
They cut off the branch, and it is really trimmed up nicely, but there is still something underneath that is growing in the heart-in the mind.
I was amazed that a computer company would branch off into music players, but he explained, without giving any specifics away, that he saw Apple as a digital products company, not a computer company.
When they reached the Valley of Eshcol, they cut off a branch bearing a single cluster of grapes. Two of them carried it on a pole between them, along with some pomegranates and figs.
Outside the St John's shopping centre branch, a pigeon was roosting beneath the garish yellow and red signs advertising the 50% off.
The chilled air enters the top of a rack through two vertical standpipes, which branch off into air wands -long, thin pipes lined with vents that release cold air.
A paradise tree snake flattens its body into an aerofoil-like shape that can provide a degree of lift before it takes off from a branch by jumping upwards.
There was a violent struggle in which a branch was torn off, but the plant survived this horror.
No one knows what made the Germanic language branch off from the Indo-European family.
They like to go online and create their own stories that might branch off - especially now that it looks like J.K. Rowling might have finished, you know, for once and for all.
The way they pursue these desires is where things branch off, but the fundamentals are the same.
But 2007 proved to be the year when New Star climbed onto the branch of history and invited the gods to saw it off.
ESATA External Serial ATA is a branch off of the Serial ATA interface that connects your hard drive to your computer if it was put together in the last couple of years.
Then you branch off and you have all these special humans.
The farmer replied, “It’s very easy. Just cut off the branch where the falcon rested.”
In order to understand how they do what they do, Socha and his colleagues recently studied Chrysopelea paradisi snakes as they launched themselves off a branch at the top of a 15-meter-tall tower.
In order to understand how they do what they do, Socha and his colleagues recently studied Chrysopelea paradisi snakes as they launched themselves off a branch at the top of a 15-meter-tall tower.