No one knows what made the Germanic language branch off from the Indo-European family.
The left and right bronchi branch off from the trachea and carry oxygen further into the lungs.
Now that you have a clean way to retrieve the list of courses and maintain that data in a context variable managed by Seam, it is time to branch off from the course listing.
She nodded and the young eagle took off from his branch and flew quickly down.
Then Two-eyes, quite comforted, came from beneath the barrel, and the knight was surprised at her great beauty, and said, "Thou, Two-eyes, canst certainly break off a branch from the tree for me."
When her mother reached the station, she found the body of her daughter "hanging" from the branch of a tree which was barely four feet off the ground.
A paradise tree snake flattens its body into an aerofoil-like shape that can provide a degree of lift before it takes off from a branch by jumping upwards.
Presently it flew off and the branch was swinging up and down from the pressure of its flight.
The current method to branch wire from the cable trunk is to cut off the trunk line, and crimp two ends of trunk line and the required branch, and pack them, or to bind the branch line to trunk line.
Anxious thoughts branch off in all directions, taking you farther and farther from awareness of My Presence.
It's more for letting me give back to the world some of the stuff I know how to do well, and branch out from my off-line business to possible new online businesses.
It's more for letting me give back to the world some of the stuff I know how to do well, and branch out from my off-line business to possible new online businesses.