It was a bravura performance by Denzel Washington.
What little scholarship has existed on Ernest Hemingway—considering his stature—has focused on trying to unmask the man behind the bravura.
In a final bravura the ballerina appeared to be floating in water.
The danger now is that even the bravura economic performance of the past few years may fizzle.
On this trip, I decided not to leave Rome without trying to pick up a few bravura techniques of my own.
The story of Adam and Cynthia Morey's life together begins with a bravura description of their wedding in Pittsburgh.
With its bravura mix of historical events and inventive flights of fancy, the 650-page novel has long been seen as unfilmable.
Jay Goldner, a jolly Austrian with a ponytail, whose bravura presentation wins a standing ovation with Wolf whistles, thinks he does.
Facebook appears to be in the lead, with Mr. Zuckerberg giving bravura performances such as a half-hour-long speech in Mandarin in Beijing.
I didn't have a clue about what Jim was saying, and I'm not sure Mr. Coe did either, but at the end of his bravura performance I got my grade changed.
But Sir Alistair, in his admiration for these bravura performances, and for his hero's undeniable charm, glosses over how indifferent Mr Kissinger was to the internal dynamics of nations.
Perhaps the purest expression of Williams' motor-mouth comedic genius turned out to be his booming, bravura performance as the voice of the giant blue Genie in Disney's animated musical.
This dubbed version may have lacked the dulcet tones of Alec Guinness and James Earl Jones but that was more than compensated by the bravura performances of the actors playing Chewbacca and R2D2.
This dubbed version may have lacked the dulcet tones of Alec Guinness and James Earl Jones but that was more than compensated by the bravura performances of the actors playing Chewbacca and R2D2.