It requires considerable concentration to maintain a false breathing rate.
A moderate level of activity noticeably increases your heart rate and breathing rate.
This lactate threshold is closely correlated with heart rate and breathing rate.
When you exceed lactate threshold intensity, there is a sudden increase in breathing rate.
It was found that slow music could slow the heartbeat and the breathing rate as well as bring down blood pressure.
At this breathing rate, the company says the user can increase the variability of their heart rate to lower stress levels.
Continue this pattern, noting your heart rate at each pace, until you reach a pace at which your breathing rate spikes.
The mother's body heat is not the only thing that helps the baby. Her heartbeat helps control the baby's breathing rate.
Vigorous activities are performed at a higher intensity and cause an increased heart rate, sweating, and a faster breathing rate.
I train life coaches to use reverse engineering in real time by subtly matching clients' body language, vocal tone, even breathing rate.
Someone who knows what they are, however, may become concerned, and undergo an increase in body temperature, heart rate and breathing rate.
A lie detector test only measures stress - that is, sweating of the skin, increased pulse rate, increased breathing rate. You can fake that.
Someone who knows what they are, and is feeling guilty about it, will undergo an increase in body temperature, heart rate and breathing rate.
Breathing rate and depth are said to be affected by: states of consciousness, disease, atmospheric conditions, thoughts, exercise and emotions.
The CNS must determine how much to increase breathing rate to adequately supply the body with oxygen, while expelling used up oxygen in the form of carbon dioxide.
Called MyCalmBeat, the app USES a heart rate monitor that attaches to the ear to detect a person's optimal breathing rate, or resonant frequency, which is unique to each person.
这个应用名为“My CalmBeat”,它利用一个附在耳朵上的心率监测器来探测每个人独特的最佳呼吸频率,或者说是共振频率。
And it also studies the dynamics process between 2, 4-dcp concentration and aerobic microorganism breathing rate, which is proved to be the bio-chemical first class dynamics reaction.
研究了2,4 -DCP浓度与好氧菌呼吸速率的动力学过程,证明其为生化一级动力学反应。
So in the paper we introduced a design proposal of wireless transmitting breathing rate detector based on AT90S8535 microcontroller in accordance with the principles of temperature sensor.
The experiment result indicates that, with 2, 4-dcp increases in concentration, the microorganism breathing rate descends clearly, it restrains the microorganism breathing reaction seriously.
实验结果表明:2,4 -DCP随其浓度的增加,微生物呼吸率明显地下降,严重地抑制着微生物的呼吸反应。
Another experiment demonstrated that physical exercise, which was sufficiently vigorous to double the rate of breathing, had no effect on the frequency of yawning.
Drinking too much too quickly can affect your breathing, heart rate and gag reflex and potentially lead to coma and death.
Larger doses can lead to difficulty breathing, increased blood pressure and heart rate, and kidney failure.
"There may also be a change in speech rate, either too fast or too slow, and a change in breathing pattern," says o 'sullivan.
Stimulants are substances that rev up the nervous system, increasing heart rate, blood pressure, energy, breathing and more.
The brain stem, at the organ's base, controls reflexes and crucial, basic life functions such as heart rate, breathing, and blood pressure.
The brain stem, at the organ's base, controls reflexes and crucial, basic life functions such as heart rate, breathing, and blood pressure.