If you decide to visit Singapore, bring a lot of money; living in Singapore is quite expensive.
If the homophonic properly used, it will not only enhance the visibility of businesses, but also bring a lot of money for business profits.
The problem right now is that it costs a lot of money, so you need to make a certain type of story that a studio thinks will bring in money.
And if he could bring great players to New York, they'd be worth a lot of money to him.
It's a family business, it may not bring in a lot of money, but it keeps the family together.
When asked what kind of career they will pursue upon graduation, most college students say that they would choose a job which will bring them lot of money and a comfortable life.
My ex-husband was the president of a luggage company, so money was never a problem…but he did bring a lot of baggage to the relationship.
My ex-husband was the president of a luggage company, so money was never a problem…but he did bring a lot of baggage to the relationship.