They can not only acquaint one with many facts, but help deepen one"s understanding of social phenomena and relationships, and broaden one"s outlook.
I am also happy to see such a strong increase of Chinese travelers (both business and pleasure) move all over Europe. Traveling is one of the best ways to broaden one's awareness and horizon.
So I say, don't stick to one guru and to one line of thought. Read/listen to books from a lot of highly regarded authors to broaden your knowledge and number of possible solutions to your problems.
He knew that one day he wanted to work as a lawyer, but opted to do a master's in another subject to broaden his knowledge first.
A synaesthetic drinking installation aims to broaden minds after just one sip of a cocktail as the experience of taste is translated into individual artworks through the brain.
On one hand, tourism can enrich people's experience and broaden their horizons. On the other hand, it may create some conflicts between tourists and local residents.
Over the decades, attempts have been made to broaden the scope of marketing, relationship marketing being one of these attempts.
One 's views broaden at college.
There are numerous reasons to travel or go on an exchange, but the most important one is: it will broaden your horizons.
On the one hand, it is a good way for readers to broaden their horizon and increase their knowledge in many aspects.
For one thing, classics will help broaden their horizons from them.
Intellectual open reading can really broaden the mind, one of the ocean in the book of wisdom and lessons of nutrition, it will be increasingly intelligent.
Visiting new and different places is perhaps one of the best ways to really broaden your perspectives, and it doesn't have to be expensive or difficult to do.
Theoretically, on the one hand, the research of enterprise competitiveness accounting can enrich and broaden the management function of accounting.
For one thing, it can not only broaden our horizons but also enrich our life experience.
就出国的利于弊,发表你的看法 优点可以开阔视野,丰富人生经验;
As one single man told us, "Of course, I'd never recommend getting leukemia as a way to broaden your social sphere, but I actually have more friends now than before I got sick."
One the other hand, family education can offer you chances to contact with the society and the experience that you gain through family education can broaden your school life.
Thus we should widen our views and broaden our mind to achieve some innovation. The system of motivation for college faculty is one of the core of modern university system.
Push is Alibaba. com's latest attempt to broaden its business beyond China, where it is one of the largest online Web sites targeted at businesses and a well-known Internet brand.
Push is Alibaba. com's latest attempt to broaden its business beyond China, where it is one of the largest online Web sites targeted at businesses and a well-known Internet brand.