Green hats are surprisingly versatile. They look best with tan or light brown suits. But they also accent black, green, and gray suits very nicely.
You can also get away with wearing a blue hat with a light brown or tan suit.
My head also is white but with brown markings, and my face is a light brown or tan color.
我的头也是白色的,但有棕色的斑纹。 还有,我的脸是浅棕色或棕褐色。
The chlorosis develops from light yellow to tan, becoming brown and finally drying to a "scorch".
The so-called sun cream is not intended to prevent the real sun, but to fit the skin tan can show light brown.
The chlorosis develops from light yellow to tan , becoming brown and finally drying to a scorch.
Highland Winter camouflage: 5-colour (tan, light green, medium brown, dark brown and black) in a "Flecktarn" pattern based on the German 5-colour Flekctarn camouflage.
Highland Winter camouflage: 5-colour (tan, light green, medium brown, dark brown and black) in a "Flecktarn" pattern based on the German 5-colour Flekctarn camouflage.