China greeted the arrival of Spring Festival with feasts and fireworks, hoping for a bullish Year of the Ox.
And in the first quarter India's economy grew by a bullish 5.8%, compared with a year before, while South Korea's industrial production continued to rise in April.
They then failed to raise enough capital late last year, when investors were still fairly bullish on their prospects, to see them through the current storm.
But Goldman was so bullish at the end of last year that a pronounced darkening in its outlook is ominous - and there is every reason to believe the bad news isn't over.
Investors might be less bullish if the 27-year-old Mark Zuckerberg, the founder, were in sole charge.
Gold output in China, the world's fourth-biggest producer of the precious metal, is set to maintain strong growth momentum this year, boosted by robust demand and bullish prices.
A good global indicator of inflationary expectations is the price of gold, which has just reached a 27-year high and where market sentiment remains bullish.
It 's been an exciting month. Gold took off, hitting a 17 year new bull market high and this is strong bullish action.
His third, Hot Commodities, published last year, outlined his bullish outlook on the sector.
Galaxy Securities Funds Research Center data shows that the sharp correction in the stock market, bond market this year, out of the bullish wave.
Doubts about the US recovery have speculators piling onto the Yen's bullish run and a bearish anticipation of today's release of the Fed's beige book has helped the Yen touch the new 15 year high.
"We are very bullish about the company generating profits this current financial year," he explained.
Qatar has been bullish on Western banking stocks for most of the year.
Morgan indicated that the company is very bullish this current financial year as they will continue to generate profits.
An end to Lunar New Year holiday festivities saw traders back at their desks and bullish Euro.
An end to Lunar New Year holiday festivities saw traders back at their desks and bullish Euro.