Burning a tyre, by contrast, produces sulphur dioxide, a noxious pollutant.
When I refuse to forgive, I am burning a bridge that someday I will need to pass over.
A DVD burner and a blank DVD (If you're upgrading from Vista, you can skip burning a DVD).
You can buy a Kettle (100 yuan) and a vacuum bottle a day, burning a good water reserve.
I bet John will spend all his money in a few days because the money is burning a hole in his pocket.
I knew that he would go out and buy everything he saw, because the money was burning a hole in his pocket.
Aside from burning a few Bridges, he ensured that the two weeks' notice he gave turned into two weeks of sheer misery.
Many people think that working hard, being busy, and burning a lot of energy is equal to managing their career and life.
Watching my friends suffer over drug addictions is burning a hole in me that hasn’t healed, and now I have to leave them.
Insurance boot that is caused by burning a few components are filtering capacitors, resistors degaussed, such as line pipe.
The light perceived by the human eye is measured in units called lumen-hours.This is about the amount produced by burning a candle for an hour.
The light perceived by the human eye is measured in units called lumen-hours. This is about the amount produced by burning a candle for an hour.
Biofuel consumption may be as simple as throwing a log on a fire or as complex as burning a combustible gas derived from plant matter in a combined-cycle electricity-generating unit.
Hybrids, such as the Toyota Prius and the Honda Civic hybrid have been picking up speed in the past several years, but they still wind up burning a gallon of gas for every 40-50 miles they cover.
混合动力车,例如丰田的Prius和本田的Civic,在过去的几年一直在速度上有所提高,但每40 - 50英里的路程仍需消耗一加仑的汽油。
A welcoming fire was burning in the fireplace.
A man was crawling away from the burning wreckage.
The car shattered into a thousand burning pieces in a 200 mph crash.
Volunteers formed a human chain to rescue precious items from the burning house.
A fireplace full of burning logs was painted on the wall opposite the door.
Its surface has been cooked and dried by an ocean of carbon dioxide, trapped in the burning death grip of a runaway greenhouse effect.
But the Greek Church resists this practice; they believe the only place where people burn is a hell, so burning dead bodies is against the Greek concept of life after death.
"I was rescued from a burning car but my mother died in the accident,'' explained Karen.
Amphons city council wants to introduce cremation that is burning the dead bodies as a means of dealing with the problem.
Lillehammer's opening ceremonies featured a giant Olympic Torch burning biogas produced by rotting vegetation.
The fire engine can carry extra tanks or refilling equipment, and a firefighter spends a limited time in the burning building.
Edison's bulb is, at its core, a burning filament that casts the glow of a flame.
He employed a scorched-earth policy, destroying villages and burning crops.
It's the first time I, a fair-skinned, freckly type, have sailed in the sun without burning.
It's the first time I, a fair-skinned, freckly type, have sailed in the sun without burning.