And while they were in the midst of their banqueting, the door was suddenly burst open, and the Dagda stood there, with his men.
Even as he looked at the other two beneath the cloak, the door of the Three Broomsticks burst open and a dozen cloaked and hooded Death Eaters dashed into the street, their wands aloft.
The door burst open. Just before Homeland Security put the cuffs on us, Billy woke up and Sid spoke.
The floor trembled; there was a sound of running footsteps, then the door to the sitting room burst open and Mr. And Mrs. Weasley ran in.
You can lock the door upon them, but they burst open their shaky lattices and call out over the house-tops so that men cannot but hear.
When the heat and stridency of the party burst upon us through the open door, I began to regret that I had not been more firm in refusing this once.
No sooner had we gone to bed than the door of the hotel burst open and a group of soldiers rushed in.
Earnshaw burst the door open: having gathered venom with reflection.
I put on my clothes quickly, expecting any moment to have the door burst open and the thugs try to make a quick end to their bad business.
I put on my clothes quickly, expecting any moment to have the door burst open and the thugs try to make a quick end to their bad business.