An architecture "review board" might consist of business, enterprise architecture, solution architecture, and project experts to ensure the board's compliance and continuity.
While the DB2 pureScale Feature inherently brings a local high availability solution, many customers will also require a disaster recovery solution to meet their business continuity requirements.
虽然DB2pureScale Feature 自带有一个本地高可用性解决方案,很多客户还需要一个灾难恢复解决方案来满足其业务连续性需求。
The DB2 pureScale Feature provides a local, high-availability solution, but many customers also require a disaster recovery solution to meet their business continuity requirements.
DB2pureScale Feature提供了一种本地的高可用性解决方案,但是很多客户还会需要一种灾难恢复解决方案来满足其业务的持续性要求。
The DB2 pureScale Feature provides a local, high-availability solution, but many customers also require a disaster recovery solution to meet their business continuity requirements.
DB2pureScale Feature提供了一种本地的高可用性解决方案,但是很多客户还会需要一种灾难恢复解决方案来满足其业务的持续性要求。