Japan, the world's second largest economy, lagged behind, ranked third in Asia and ninth globally, faring poorly on measures of its institutions and market and business sophistication.
They also vary in their sophistication and maturity of big data usage and, as a result, offer different business lessons.
As the customer experience evolves, so does application sophistication, customer expectations, business transformation opportunities, and the underlying business models.
Friends and family will likely not expect the same level of sophistication on the business model and financials as a professional investor, but they do expect to see certain things.
He is a master of business acumen, inspiring tens of thousands to form their own companies and to attempt to take technology and computing to new levels of sophistication and service.
他是一个拥有着商业嗅觉的人,鼓舞了上万人去 自主创业,并让他们试图通过技术和处理将自己的识辨力和服务达到一个新水平。
He is a master of business acumen, inspiring tens of thousands to form their own companies and to attempt to take technology and computing to new levels of sophistication and service.
他是一个拥有着商业嗅觉的人,鼓舞了上万人去 自主创业,并让他们试图通过技术和处理将自己的识辨力和服务达到一个新水平。