The aim is to inculcate businesspeople with an appreciation of different cultures.
At a big meeting of top British businesspeople, he stood up and explained the secret of his success.
Success authors usually serve up vivid stories about how exceptional businesspeople stamped their personalities on a company or rescued it from a life-threatening crisis.
If businesspeople can choose between a three-hour train journey from city-center to city-center and a one-hour flight, they'll choose the train, says an executive travel consultant.
Uncertainty is a common charge from complaining businesspeople.
MONTH ago Ahmed Ezz was one of the most powerful businesspeople in Egypt.
Businesspeople who monitor the governance indicators are likely to make better decisions.
French businesspeople were outraged that Siemens would do such a thing, and, worse, talk about it afterwards.
Those ambitious journalists, businesspeople and aid workers, as well as prospective spies, should take heed.
So even modest debts can require businesspeople to carry thick wads of cash that could choke a traditional billfold.
Revealingly, none of the Western businesspeople in China interviewed for this article was willing to be quoted by name.
Few Chinese businesspeople pass physical tests without any red flags such as high cholesterol levels, insurance brokers say.
The authors write: “We saw a similar pattern in a study of how businesspeople perceived past choices between work and pleasure.
Businesspeople tend to see competition as a means to find the best solutions, a sorting device that pushes the smartest ideas ahead.
GM has recruited celebrities, journalists, businesspeople and members of the public to test a fuel-cell version of its Chevrolet Equinox.
Portugal could be a gateway to Africa and to some areas of Latin America, " Sócrates told a room of Portuguese and Chinese businesspeople."
Businesspeople frequently joked about the suggestion box and cartoons lambasted the futility of putting ideas in the employee suggestion box.
Even if their market share isn't so big out here, these are things that businesspeople and executives in Asia would certainly respect and admire.'
Leaked recordings of telephone chats between an intermediary and some of India’s most powerful businesspeople have caused a headline-hogging rumpus.
Seventy-five percent of the people in this country work for small business. Of the $787 billion bill, $3 billion is directed to small businesspeople.
The recipient classes--yes, including farmers and businesspeople who receive subsidies--should be disenfranchised, and the vote restricted to taxpayers.
Here, officials and businesspeople speak of culture more often as a commodity — culture with a capital C — rather than something that grows organically.
So, our volunteers invited him to come to Taiwan to attend a camp for businesspeople, and he also invited other businesspeople in Cambodia to attend as well.
One such workshop lies in the Sanbao Village area across a river. Here, artists and businesspeople have opened workshops and studios throughout a lush valley.
Mr Christensen and co reckon that businesspeople are 35% more likely to sprout a new idea if they have lived in a foreign country (a rather precise statistic).
that his team is woefully short of anyone who has had to meet a payroll (there are fewer businesspeople in this White House than in any recent administration);
For instance, they do not get much from renting out VIP boxes at their grounds on match days: Italian businesspeople tend to take clients to dinner or the opera;
She organized a group of about 150 local businesspeople to lurk around Copley Square and, after a secret signal, in broad daylight to burst into a dance they'd rehearsed.
她组织了约150名当地商户业主,潜伏在柯普利广场附近。 然后根据秘密的信号,所有人突然蹦出来,在光天化日之下就开始跳起事先排练好的舞蹈。
She organized a group of about 150 local businesspeople to lurk around Copley Square and, after a secret signal, in broad daylight to burst into a dance they'd rehearsed.
她组织了约150名当地商户业主,潜伏在柯普利广场附近。 然后根据秘密的信号,所有人突然蹦出来,在光天化日之下就开始跳起事先排练好的舞蹈。