The boy pretends to be angry, but all the while is saying to himself, "Thank you, Lord!"
This year Little Xuan is 18 years old. They knew she had a heart defect from birth, but all the while they didn't have money to get treatment.
You close your eyes and hope that this is just imagination. Girl, but all the while, you hear a creature creeping up behind, you're out of time.
All had the same number of calories over the day, but half had breakfast, while the other half did not.
They sat down under their tree—all but Colin, who wanted to stand while he told the story.
I know recruiters have been asking this question for a while, but from a community point of view - where are all the testers?
Weather patterns across the globe will become more unstable, Numbers of devastating storms will increase dramatically while snow will disappear from all but the highest mountains.
It's not dead yet, but it's gasping for breath, while all copyright business follows nervously in its wake, wondering who's going to be the next to keel over.
But I would like to focus on an issue that arose while I was recording the podcast: programmers' all too common inability to write clean, maintainable code.
Eventually, Internet access will extend everywhere, turning all applications into "live" services - but for now, he says, enjoy the freedom while you still can.
The system for upgrading is complicated, but Vista owners can upgrade to the exactly comparable edition of Windows 7 while keeping all files, Settings and programs in place.
The power is there, but we must keep the connection; and while we do so, the higher power will work and all the machinery will be in operation.
Many people recognized this, but it took a while to get all the parties together to form a single conference.
Perhaps it's not actually less social, but it might seem that way as we all come to terms with getting value out of our networks - while filtering out the clutter.
Message: Peter and Tina are sitting in the park doing nothing, but just gazing into the sky, while all their friends are having fun with their beloved half.
But while the book does an excellent job of recounting the Madoff story, it is all trees and no forest, focusing repeatedly on details while skipping over enormities.
Looking at all the “required ” links in this article might seem a little overwhelming, but I was able to listen to them all on audio books while driving around town. It was actually fun.
But Ido wish that once in a while all the smart developers just took a standto eliminate at least one of the truly crappy and counter-productivetrends in our industry.
But trouble may be coming anyway.The housing market's malaise is deepening all the while.
For example, analysis of related contexts may highlight that identification of customers is critical, not just while they are in the potential state, but in all other states as well.
But I understood none of this at the time and sat there in increasingly uncomfortable bewilderment, imagining all the while that I had breached some arcane nicety of local etiquette.
But while all of the marketing literature for SOAP promised cross-platform interoperability, the tools didn't provide it.
But the children are chaperoned on all excursions and, while parents and relatives may visit, the centre is not open to outsiders.
I told him frankly that my advisors were split but that we would work all night if it was important to have the deal done while he was in the United States.
But may the God of all grace, who called us to His eternal glory by Christ Jesus, after you have suffered a while, perfect, establish, strengthen, and settle you.
But it's also a game of poker; an attempt to convince the Greeks that the eu has all the CARDS, while the Greeks have just a pair of deuces.
But it's also a game of poker; an attempt to convince the Greeks that the eu has all the CARDS, while the Greeks have just a pair of deuces.