The details and negotiations for such an arrangement would be formidable but doable.
Given that the first three are difficult points, but doable, we still need to understand what better technology means.
It's perfectly doable but not for beginners, especially as there's no salt or vinegar to help preservation.
APP doesn't state support for this at all; it might be doable using HTTP more generally, but to get decent client support you'd want it documented in an RFC at least.
Modeling a business card in relational terms is doable, but it's convoluted.
Your brain can make any task look big and impossible, or it can make it seem totally doable. It’s the same task but a completely different feeling.
It's especially easy while traveling because nobody knows you, but it's also be doable if you've never left your home town.
This is doable over the Internet too, but it would require more motivation than I possess.
Removing ink stains caused by biros, fountain pens and artist's ink from clothing is not an easy task but it is doable.
But if the puzzle is so huge, so difficult and so complicated that I can barely think it's doable, I need a strategy.
Doable, approximately. But the point is, we can actually now locate all those lines that we sort of arbitrarily drew on the phase diagrams.
So the key is to get started, and you do that not by trying to go from 0 to 60 in 5 seconds, but by trying to go from 0 to 5mph in a day or two. That's doable.
But Mark Lyall Grant, UK's ambassador to the Security Council, said holding the referendum on time on 9 January was still doable.
但是英国驻安理会大使Mark Lyall Grant表示,按时在1月9日进行全民公投仍然是可行的。
Currently, extending Lombok is not an easy task, nor is it for everyone, but it is doable.
Several hours of work can seem overwhelming, but only 10 minutes is much more doable.
It will take some time to read and understand, but it should definitely be doable if you have worked with binary file formats before.
Obviously we'd have to make changes to other parts of the program, but this is entirely doable.
Changing your habits is certainly doable, but "more willpower" may not be the answer after all.
Changing your habits is certainly doable, but "more willpower" may not be the answer after all.