Carnations are considered as the perfect flowers for mothers around the world, but few know that China has its own for mothers — the tiger lily.
Many people know how to attain success, but few know how to make the best use of it.
Everyone drinks and eats but few know the real taste of what has been drunk or eaten.
Lots of string players talk about practicing more often, but few know how to make it productive.
Everyone has heard of mocha, but few know the origins of the delicious coffee that connoisseurs treasure.
I know it sounds obvious but I've seen a few people suddenly find the camera's stopped working right in the middle of class.
We really don't know a lot about how long a wood frog normally lives, probably just a few years but there is no evidence its longevity.
I know your office hours are tomorrow, but I was wondering if you had a few minutes free now to discuss something.
He sent me a few messages, but I haven't replied yet as I don't know what to say.
You’ve been so good these last few weeks, but I know something’s been bothering you since we first started the crib.
But policymakers do not want to know whether something works in a few villages. They want to know whether it will work nationwide.
Few people know details of Baidu's plans in the mobile operating system department, but reports said the company is working toward releasing an open source system.
As you know, we make most of the drillers' parts, but a few of them come from another American manufacture.
Microsoft is better prepared this time around, but even if the downloads go smoothly, there are a few things you need to know before making the leap.
But in fact, we know very little about the effects of breastfeeding at long durations, because so few women breastfeed for more than a few weeks.
We know the avocado tastes great, but outside of an occasional guacamole dip, few of us reach for this high-fiber food for salads or as a great side dish.
It must also be impossible to make a movie about a computer programmer because what is programming but writing in a language few people in the audience know?
It must also be impossible to make a movie about a computer programmer, because what is programming but writing in a language few people in the audience know?
In the meantime a few thoughts crossed my mind which I thought were quick-off-the-mark, but today I know they did me no good.
I know this might get a few hot comments started, but again I'll say it, it's all about choice.
But I do know a few things. I know that the cost of every U. s. sample survey is going up.
Some are experiencing benefits, some none and a few worse but what we do know is that challenging basic assumptions about diseases has lead to some very important discoveries.
You should now understand the basic syntax involved in using switch statements, but there are still a few things you need to know.
His file told me some, but after watching him for only a few days, I feel confident in saying that I know things no one else does.
His file told me some, but after watching him for only a few days, I feel confident in saying that I know things no one else does. Not just the obvious, either.
Always good to know if I am going to be stuck in Atlanta for a few hours - but missing is the total elapsed time!
I know I've asked myself these questions a few times before but now I can answer them positively.
I know I've asked myself these questions a few times before but now I can answer them positively.