This might seem obvious, but for most people it's really hard to wake up when you intend to, and longer naps can backfire.
As mentioned above, DOAP files that conform to the schema will lose some RDF expressivity, but for most people this loss will not matter.
If I had to sum up history in one sentence it would be: "Life gets better-not for everyone all the time, but for most people most of the time."
The size of this directory depends greatly on the usage of your system, but for most people will be dictated by the package management tool's overhead.
The book's author Andy Gibney said: 'Trust, compromise and honesty are generally regarded as the most important things in a marriage but for most people, it's not that simple.
For most people, the left half of the brain controls linguistic capabilities, but some people have their language centers in the right half.
You can try just one for 20 cents, but most people buy five for 90 cents.
There is no cure for either illness, but the flu can be prevented by the flu vaccine, which is, for most people, the best way to fight the flu.
It is getting much easier to travel nowadays, but increasingly harder to get away from people, and that is perhaps the most difficult thing for holiday makers.
But it's important to keep this new finding in perspective, as for most people the risk is still very low.
Many experts agree that for most people the risk is quite low, but they are beginning to believe the effects are real.
To be honest, I still don't fully understand why this technique works, but it does, and remarkably well for most people.
Now there may be some overweight people with hormonal or medical reason but for most of us it is very simple.
The answer to this question for most people is no, but if your intermittent claudication symptoms are very severe, or if they do not improve, further treatment may be considered.
Touch inbox items only once. - This one is difficult for most people (myself included), but it really makes a difference.
I think that's a difficult proposition for most people, but in truth it's possible to give criticism with kindness and have a decent chance of having the person take it constructively.
Maybe it comes naturally to some people, but for most of us, it takes a little practice.
Most people dream for two to six hours each night, but at most they recall only about a half-hour's worth, usually the last one in the morning.
For most people, the thrill lasts for a few weeks each October. But for true believers, the paranormal is an everyday fact, not just a holiday joke.
This is easier said than done for most people, but there's something to be said for perfecting the art of the 20-minute power nap.
But for most of the shows people watch, LCD screens use significantly less electricity.
Right now, the recommended dose from food and supplements is about 400 international units a day for most people, but most experts agree that is probably too low.
A working life that stretched out for longer but clipped along at a slower pace might suit most people rather better.
I'm not sure how much you know about China and how many of you have been to China, but I believe that for most people in Europe, China is both well-known and little-known.
"They work 'sometimes,' but 'sometimes' isn't enough for most people," explained Mr. Maeda.
Don't get me wrong, theirsearch functions are fine for most people, but I simply find I get the bestresults by using Google.
No one likes paying for it but, in places of shortest supply, where they pay most, people use it carefully.
No one likes paying for it but, in places of shortest supply, where they pay most, people use it carefully.