This is a very good technique for gathering functional requirements, but you may need multiple "use cases" to understand the functionality of the whole system.
Developers can generate as many baselines as they want, but they should use only the good baselines for further development.
It seemed really great but there was no good interface available for us to use S3 efficiently.
Sure, you'd rather spend that birthday check from grandma for a night out with your friends, but it'll do you more good if you use it to pay off that last night on the town.
"I'm not saying they're good for your socialisation skills, but they do make you use your working memory," she said.
' '我并不是说它们对你的社会化技能好,但它们让你使用用你的加工记忆。“她说。”
SOA does not require the use of UDDI, but UDDI is a good solution for Service Discovery, because it builds on SOA to do its work.
I have only scratched the surface of XSLT but if you make good use of copy-and-paste and Listing 2, you can adapt it to fit your site layout.
But there is a good chance that the two parties will merely use them to trade insults before an international audience and justify their military action.
But no matter what you call it, there's a very good chance it could use a good cleaning - check it out.
Touchscreen keyboard is nice and all, but not good for extended use and takes up much of the screen.
The first change in the Listing 4 policy is not required in order to use encryption, but it's a good idea.
The new materials enables the battery to completely discharge the stored energy in three hours, meaning that it is ideal for laptops, but not very good for hybrid vehicles use.
Physical stuff is subject to the laws of scarcity: you can use up your timber. But it's hard to use up a good idea.
The code snippets included are for illustrative purposes only, but should give you a good idea of how to use the API.
You probably won't use these very often, but they are easy to work with and provide a good first use case for RichFaces syntax.
But, here I will use another good ruby library called "rubyzip" to create and work with zip archive files.
I'm limited in the use of my hands, but I can do a little - like I can use my iPod, which is really good.
Applications can use Ajax for auto-saving, but your forms should either provide good old submit buttons or use synchronous requests for sending the data for processing.
We have mentioned above that SAX can automatically choose a parser to use; but just what is SAX? A good answer is
以上,我们已提到SAX会自动选择要使用的语法分析器;但 SAX是什么?
Imagine that I offered it to you with but one condition - that you must use it for good, not evil.
But he didn't expect me to be the only one to put his gift to good use.
There are many good reasons to use a treadmill as part of your training plan, but you also need to incorporate variety.
The Birmingham-based tycoon said: ‘The MoD has said that it cannot be used for military purposes but I do think we can make good use of the vessel without it being scrapped.
Olive oil is a beneficial and nutritious oil but does not survive high temperatures so it is not good to use for very hot frying.
There are good reasons why development teams use some of these practices, but they can lead to the use of anti-patterns.
They even reversed the analysis to see if it was the good spellers who tended to use text abbreviations, but found that relationship was unidirectional, she said.
They even reversed the analysis to see if it was the good spellers who tended to use text abbreviations, but found that relationship was unidirectional, she said.