I saw them, this word is that often occur in the Three Kingdoms characters, this person actually do not know when I have the fire , but I hold back my anger and told him that read clothes.
"I may have a disability," he says, "but I don't let it hold me back from anything."
But then I did feel it, and I couldn't hold back my scream of agony.
Sometimes Indians would come to see me; and, though my acquaintance with them was but slight, when they rose to leave I felt inclined to hold them back by their coat-tails.
I tried to keep a bottle back, but Lupin got hold of it, and took it to the side-table with Daisy and Frank Mutlar.
We are carrying a big heavy camera bag, standing in the buses, rocked, everything is difficult, I felt like vomiting, but I have to hold back.
Operator: Please stay on the line. I'm going to send help. I'll put you on hold, but I will be right back.
I can feel his haste now, so I reach out my hands to hold him back, but he keeps flowing past my withholding hands.
The three of us - Doris, my mother, and I - were people bred to hold back emotional expressions of love, but I did something that startled both my mother and me.
Sophie, I want to give you a promise, but I'm afraid this promise will hold you back and not give you any freedom.
Listen, I don't want to hold you back any longer, but wake me up tomorrow - at one thirty - will you?
I want to give you a promise, but I'm afraid this promise will hold you back, can't give you any freedom.
I am not in the game of pushing him out there because it is for the benefit of Chelsea Football Club but I also don't want to hold him back unnecessarily.
I can feel his haste now, so I reach out my hands to hold him back, but he keeps flowing past my with holding hands.
I always hold back on the seat and twist for whole forenoon, but not raise my hand.
I always hold back on the seat and twist for whole forenoon, but not raise my hand.