But I mean it was clear that in the U. S. -business kind of climate that once enough money is involved, lawsuits will happen.
I mean I've got some work I like, but is it really what a gallery is looking for?
I mean, you might think it was for protection or something, but there has been no evidence found yet of any violent attack that would indicate that kind of danger.
I mean it might be slightly curvy, but roughly, it looks like a parallelogram in space.
"Just because I have a business relationship with an individual and I can profit from that relationship, but it does not necessarily mean that this person is my friend, " Soupios says.
It doesn't mean that my to-do lists no longer exist, but I've become more aware of the importance of slowing down and making sure that I enjoy the daily activities as I carry them out.
I mean, I understand how it organizes the elements, but where's the prediction?
We say, "I love you" to our parents or significant other when we hang up the phone, not because we mean it, but out of habit.
I mean, hydroponics isn't really my specialty but from the research I have read, we are talking the nineteenth century, maybe the seventeenth century if you really stretch it.
I mean I've seen the famous films, Roman Holiday, Breakfast at Tiffany's and a few others, but I still don't fully get it.
I didn't mean to eat anything but the ice cream looked so good that I couldn't help trying it.
I know she doesn't mean it personally, but she always complains that she doesn't have a home, which makes me feel as if I'm intruding in my own room.
If he persists, saying: that I know, but what does it all mean?
So what I mean is not if it will happen but the question of the timing - human timing.
DAVE: I mean, we could flip a coin for it, but I would probably win again.
I loved it. But that doesn't mean you have to miss it. I loved almost everything about it.
“Signing a contract is easy, but it would mean trouble later on if I regretted the decision,” he explained.
Most people read that as a purely mundane and practical issue, but many of you know that I mean it in both the everyday sense and the more sacred sense.
I loved it. But that doesn't mean you have to miss it.
This didn't seem illegal at the time — I mean, those signals were streaming through my apartment — but it is an actual, bona fide crime.
But part of it is genuine. I mean I do think that the Iraqis were shocked by American elements, at least what we know, [that were] in the draft agreement.
That's not a bad example is it? But you see what I mean Student: Inaudible Prof: because there is, oops I'm sorry I'm going the wrong way.
Maybe I didn't run today. But that doesn't mean I won't run tomorrow, and it won't stop me from achieving my goal.
But the end result is that it makes the university into an ivory tower-i mean, incredibly so.
No, but it did mean I loved to create, and that I should look for ways to express my innate creativity.
I mean, I've been saying it in my head for years, but... And Woodrow?
But that all sounds pretty negative and I don't mean it to be. I was just setting the background.
I don't mean that it is a pleasant experience, but that disappointment can provide us with valuable information that we can learn from.
I liked the name right away, but I had no idea then how much it would eventually mean to me.
I mean it might be slightly curvy, but roughly it looks like a parallelogram in space.