But in that case, too, a catalyst would be needed to boost reaction rates enough to account for the dearth of acetylene.
Not having him in the Champions League list is disappointing for everyone, but in that case there was a deadline and we did not make a mistake.
But in that case, digital editions will count toward the average circulation totals only if users register and access them a given number of times per month.
Insofar as it did, it was because tariffs were a form of tax increase - but in that case you should be focusing on the whole range of fiscal actions, not just the tariff hikes.
But in that case, someone standing on the shore would find that a bullet fired in the direction in which the boat was heading would be travelling faster than one fired in the opposite direction.
Both failed in Mr. Madoff's case, but that doesn't mean everyone is a crook.
But Broomfield argues that the long-running case is now an exercise in damage limitation for the Los Angeles police.
It is true that an increased inventory of finished products often indicates that production is outstripping demand, but in Burton's case it indicates no such thing.
Rational choice in this case, people are not choosing a dominated strategy but a dominant rational choice can lead to outcomes that Suck.
The public was under the impression that Betty and Barney observed only light in the sky, but those familiar with the case know that they observed much more.
The notion that learning should have in it an element of inspired play would seem to the greater part of the academic establishment merely silly, but that is nonetheless the case.
But the likely outcome in that case would be for Banks to conserve cash to cover losses, which also would reduce the capacity to pay dividends.
In that case, the immediate problem is fixed, but the emphasis on growth at any cost remains unchanged.
If you want the status quo, fine, but in this case, the status quo might not be all that good.
We can't prove it but it's probably important because in that case, primates had to live near closed environments like gallery forest.
Not that this was fickleness of soul; but hopes cut in twain by dejection — that was her case.
The Web service URI, which serves to identify the Web service in the deployment descriptor, generally should be unique, but that is not necessary in this case.
'If we had lots of tax [revenue] or lots coming in, we could do anything, but that is not the case,' he said.
This fast path is an ideal case that can be used in some cases, but definitely not in all.
Listing 2 shows the same concept, but in this case, you create a function that encapsulates the logic behind this calculation.
It is often said of new technologies that their future looks bright, but in the case of quantum dots that is no exaggeration-it is the literal truth.
The service in this case is that of an ISP, but any provider can use this approach.
But in the case of users, we know that the table will quickly grow into the millions of users, and will be ineffective without an index on frequently searched columns.
What is the silliest item that you carry now and never use, but keep “just in case”?
But in this case, there are actions India could take that would make the situation worse.
But in this case, there are actions India could take that would make the situation worse.