People enjoyed the book, but many of them thought that Marcos stories about China were too fantastic to be true.
Some of the stories are from history books, but many of them are from famous novels.
Since then, people have not only traveled to space, but many of them have lived there in space stations for some time.
In today's world, we are being presented with information, ideas and beliefs, but many of them are against each other.
Some of these challenges have slowly changed over time, but many of them are perennial offenders.
But many of them are back in the UK, supporting each other in their new 'respectful' existences.
Now pro-slavery writers were inspired by this to some extent, but many of them will simply convert it.
There was no perceived stigma for HEF patients but many of them still had to borrow money to access health care.
There used to be a lot of coal mines in the south, but many of them have been closed, or are about to be closed.
There are many different concurrency problems out there, but many of them will map nicely to one of Clojure's models.
But many of them, including Mahyco, a leading seed company in India, also are looking for genes to splice into crops.
There are online web proxies too, but many of them are of unknown origin and hence you cannot ensure complete privacy.
In modern society, people are becoming more and more wealthy materially, but many of them are still mentally poor.
But many of them suffer from insecurity and self-doubt because people around them keep telling them they are not desirable.
But many of them have to struggle to obtain basic human needs such as water whilst others are wasting it washing their cars.
As the economy recovers, some of those jobs will come back, but many of them will not, because this was no ordinary recession.
The Long Island Rail Road alone carried fortymillion commuters last year; but many of them were the same fellow retracinghis steps.
Scientists are not certain where meteors come from, but many of them seem to be fragments of planets that crashed into one another.
I couldn't touch every one of them, but many of them knew I was there, because I was out seeing people and getting around, and that's a good thing.
The thing about people with Asperger's, many of them, of course, are not just normal intelligement(ph), but many of them also are very highly intelligent.
Many of these features are simple utility functions; almost all of them could in principle be done in portable code, but many of them would be exceedingly difficult.
Bacteria are among the simplest organisms in nature, but many of them can still talk to each other, using a chemical "language" that is critical to the process of infection.
Among the first findings of the research, published in the journal Science, about 8500 new words enter the English language annually. But many of them don't end up in dictionaries.
But many of them are "chiral", which means the same components can be arranged in two different ways, just as four fingers and thumb can be arranged to make a left hand or a right hand.
Theymay be quite unhappy for a number of years-I have not found happiness data forimmigrants- but many of them stick it out, while the unhappiest immigrants mayreturn to the countries they came from.
This has created "a paradox" in that recruiting first-generation students, but then watching many of them fail, means that higher education has "continued to reproduce and widen".
For many of them, the question wasn't could he do it but why would it be worth doing?
For many of them, the question wasn't could he do it but why would it be worth doing?