In some cases, it could be empty, but most often, it will contain at least a few % token directives.
Sometimes there is acceptance, other times anticipation, but most often it is not a great concern.
If there are other children who also enjoy those activities, they will play with them, but most often there are not.
Sometimes what others do infuriates me, sometimes it makes me laugh, but most often it makes me want to point out the obvious.
He jogs if his knee doesn't bother him, but most often he walks on the treadmill at a speed of 4.4 miles per hour with a slight incline.
Contracts can evolve, and I use the term deliberately, but most often older contracts will still be supported as people migrate to newer versions.
Sending and receiving zones may exist in all jurisdictions, but most often some jurisdictions contain sending areas and others contain receiving areas.
You can change this by specifying a different rule with % start, but most often it's more reasonable to put the top-level rule at the top of the section.
But most often SQL performance issues arise in situations in which you cannot influence how an application executes SQL statements, as in any of the following situations.
A page is a good unit for focusing on a particular data item or a single task, but most often the information domains in which we work include several data types and have complex or multiple tasks.
The most heated arguments often occur between people on opposite ends of the spectrum, but the most frequent learning occurs from people who are nearby.
Most people drink when they are thirsty, but they often need more water especially when they take exercises.
Expires headers are most often used with images, but they should be used on all components including scripts, stylesheets, and Flash components.
But in most heterogeneous cluster implementations this is often not the best solution to achieve the performance and scalability that is needed in the cluster.
The point isn't to catalogue every possible reason for lying, but to demonstrate that most often, dishonesty is provoked by fear and danger.
The point isn’t to catalogue every possible reason for lying, but to demonstrate that most often, dishonesty is provoked by fear and danger.
After all, these are the companies that create most of the world's jobs, but they often face significant challenges to engaging in international trade.
This almost-transparent implementation or migration to new function is generally a goal of most projects, but it is often not achieved.
Standardisation of data across an enterprise is often a goal but in most cases it is not an achievable ideal.
You can achieve virtualization in lots of ways, but three important methods are seen most often.
When we look at the sort of home which produces book-lovers. The first thing we notice-the most obvious, but strangely the most often forgotten factor-is that such a home has books in it.
Granted the alternatives are not always easy or most pleasant but often they are the most rewarding.
This is classic model of 'military' style leadership probably the most often used, but the least often effective.
You've heard of the law of attraction, which is excellent, but what most people often forget is that there's also a law of action.
You’ve heard of the law of attraction, which is excellent, but what most people often forget is that there’s also a law of action.
The first pitfall is an obvious one, but it's an error that new developers make most often.
The anti-patterns I've described in this article are the ones I see most often, but there are others, including.
Age-related cataracts can start as early as the 40s, but it is most often after age 60 that such clouding of the lens begins to affect vision.
Age-related cataracts can start as early as the 40s, but it is most often after age 60 that such clouding of the lens begins to affect vision.