That morning, I once again stuck my head into the attic, and this time I almost screamed…Not from what I saw, but from what I did not see.
It was clear that the elephants could, at any time, break away from their ropes but for some reason, they did not.
Much of that time, for some of them, is spent taking photographs not even of the painting but of themselves with the painting in the background.
I would normally suggest taking time off work, but in this instance I'm not sure that would do any good.
This time around, Twenge and her team make a point of saying that they are not trying to establish causes as such, but that they are assessing the plausibility of potential causes.
That may be true, but that still does not tell us much about what happens across a whole generation of people when time spent on digital media grows.
In 1795, the German philologist Friedrich August Wolf argued for the first time that not only were Homer's works not written down by Homer, but they weren't even by Homer.
For a long time biologists believed that male deer used buck rubs not only to clean and polish antlers but also to provide practice for the ensuing male-to-male combat during the rut.
The team identified 39 of these traditions that are practiced by some communities but not others. This is a pattern that, at the time, hadn't been seen in any animal except humans.
His family and friends thought he was mad at that time, but Mr. Disney did not give up his idea.
In fact, there is another type of friend—one that has not been with us for a long period of time, but fills our mind at some moment.
I feel that growing plants is just like trying to succeed with anything in life it takes not only time but also lots of efforts and patience.
At that age, I was not fond of school or Mrs. Skala and certainly not of poetry. But I was by that time quite enamored of Linda Fowler, whom I would have done anything to impress.
Such a product will be very good for development, maintenance, and run time aspects of that layer, but not ideal for other layers.
But that is not going to happen any time soon: the sheer size of Bagram air base testifies to that.
Methods that do not block but that still may take a long time to execute can respect requests for interruption by polling the interrupted status and return early if interrupted.
Admittedly, it is a rather shallow view of the world at that time, but my goal was not to evaluate events.
It says that the company believed strongly in the original 'vision, but recognized that the time was not ripe to realize the plan.
That afternoon the clouds returned, but this time she did not want to possess any of them.
You can schedule repairs that you have meant to do but have not had time to get to until now.
It is true that these changes take a long time, but not as long as we might expect.
He recommends that Americans spend more on food: not only more money but also more time.
So notice that the acceleration is constant in time, is not changing but the velocity is changing.
No, he does not believe it, but he knows that if he had time, he could prove it.
But that does not mean it produced fine ash continuously all the time.
And although I didn’t conquer my goal, I still remember the feeling of joy that shot through my body - not because of the time, but because I knew without question that I gave it my all.
The White House is now banging heads together, but it all takes time that the project does not have.
白宫正加倍地努力施加压力.然而这是需要时间的, 而此项目偏偏等不得.
But he declined, feeling that the time was not right for such a fair in the city-state.
But he declined, feeling that the time was not right for such a fair in the city-state.