I only played it a little while and didn't get addicted like other people I know, but I have to admit it's a fun way to pass the time.
OK, so now you know how to form a habit — and remember, only do them one at a time — but you want to know the seven little habits.
Fortunately, being a college lecturer, I don't have to go to work everyday. I only work three days a week, but during the three days I work really long hours and have no time for a wee little siesta.
It takes a little time to pound and roll up chicken cutlets, but not nearly as much time as marinating, and the results are not only more functional but also far more interesting.
Next time when Hong went to buy food again, Mei gave her a little money purposely. But Mei only bought two cucumbers back.
But at the same time the light weakened and weakened, dying out from his hands and from his face, dying out from his yew staff, until only a little glimmer of it clung there.
Only time I get a breakout now is during "that time" but now its only just one or 2 little ones .
Only time I get a breakout now is during "that time" but now its only just one or 2 little ones .