All this was compatible with older devices so long as there was only one authoritative timekeeper; but with urban growth and the multiplication of time signals, discrepancy brought discord and strife.
She was intending to work part time, but could only manage one day a week in the office due to childcare.
But even if one day we manage to explain time and space in terms of something else, that only pushes the question to another level, because you then have to explain [the something else].
Listing 6 shows only one group of animations, but the others are similar, with different points to move offscreen to, and tweaks to their starting time and duration, to mix things up.
But consider starting small, and request that users only choose one or two objects at a time per package.
You can select several periods but only one actuality at the time.
Some practitioners consider it a best practice to permit only one panel to be open at a time, but others disagree.
What's interesting with this model is that multiple readers are permitted access to the data at one time, but only one writer.
We internally activate many thoughts at once, but we can retrieve only one at a time.
But they attack only one settlement at a time, so you can keep your mobile Vikings moving from hotspot to hotspot.
This way one saves not only the time one would have wasted waiting, but the time in having the meeting too, leaving one free to get some work done instead.
The demonstration used only one particle at a time, but if the particles were used for digital storage, they would increase the capacity and require a tenth of the power of current systems like DVD's.
"It was wonderful," explained the man, "not only were we on time in one of TWA's brand new planes, but it was overbooked and they bumped us up to first class."
The headline promises five steps for time management, but they all come from a single principle: You can only do one thing at a time, so do it right。
He continues by mentioning Microsoft's homepage, which also has 3 ads but only one is showing, while two are hidden, at least at the time when the study was made.
接下来Fadeyev又谈到了微软的网站,它上面也有3个广告,但在同一时刻只呈现出其中一个而将另外两个隐藏起来,至少在Fade yev调研时是这样的。
But customers may lend out any given title only one time for a total of 14 days and they cannot read it on their own Nook while it is lent.
IBM Support Portal permits you to have up to 100 products in your My products list, but only 10 of those can be active at one time.
There's always only one me, but when I'm time traveling sometimes I go somewhere I already am, and yeah, then you could say there are two. Or more.
The exercise was then repeated, but this time they added a single rule: Each member was allowed to only have one unit on the circle between them and the next team member.
If your process has multiple outputs, but only one of them will be used each time, you face a similar problem.
OK, so now you know how to form a habit — and remember, only do them one at a time — but you want to know the seven little habits.
This system would work fine on a personal server where you're the only one accessing it, but in the real world, it would be impractical (and rude) to pull the feed every time someone wants to read it.
It can tell the position on which your fingers are pressing, but it can only do force sensing for one position — one finger — at a time.
Users can take out a book for however long they like, but they'll only be able to check out one title at a time, and then only one title a month.
Usually a woman has only one baby at a time, but sometimes she has two babies (twins), three babies (triplets), four babies (quadruplets), or even more!
And I plan to make it this time, God willing, one day at a time, but I don't feel safe right now, in the only place I can ever feel safe, here with my Serenity posse Two posse.
It's not the only cause of teen pregnancy, but it's one that we'd managed to miss for a very long time.
Because only one base layer can be active at a time, you can add as many base layers as you like, but the first one will be active by default.
Because only one base layer can be active at a time, you can add as many base layers as you like, but the first one will be active by default.