"I think in my stomach if you start getting up around 600, then maybe that would be the maximum—but that's just pure speculation, " he added.
He added that 40 years ago cycling was much more common but there is no evidence men then were less fertile.
“I have never met Ann Coulter, ” he said, but added that he was heartened that the friend who spotted the error could fix it then and there.
He said he had quit, but then hastily added that he occasionally fell off the wagon.
He then added: "You won't believe it but they went together to the beach to get a tan because even his wife is suntanned."
"In the beginning there were some problems, but then the branch manager cooperated and implemented the order," he added.
"But a match is nothing more than that, a match. It is 90 minutes and then it ends and we all go home, " he added.
"I feel happy because I'm going back", he said, but then added "at the same time I feel a little sad to leave you"!
He said this was "not an act of God" - but then he paused and added: "Well, I hope not."
"But then he noticed the angry fat lady sitting next to him. He faked a smile and added:" Oh I am sorry, I meant the roasted one on the table.
"But then he noticed the angry fat lady sitting next to him. He faked a smile and added:" Oh I am sorry, I meant the roasted one on the table.