Swimming is divided into breaststroke, freestyle, backstroke, and butterfly stroke.
Two Chinese women swimmers have already entered the 100-metre butterfly stroke finals.
When you first start doing the butterfly stroke, you will find that it is a strength item.
The starting position for the butterfly stroke is: hands about shoulder's width, head looking down at the bottom.
The butterfly stroke is similar to freestyle except that the arms circle together symmetrically and hence the body movement is more dolphin like.
All through even in butterfly stroke and stand-line comparison studies on the use of the goalkeeper even in butterfly stroke might improve the success rate of better guarded.
While other styles like the breaststroke, front crawl, or backstroke can be swum easily even by beginners, the butterfly is a more difficult stroke that requires good technique to be feasible.
In medley relays, each swimmer swims one stroke for the set distance; the order is backstroke, breaststroke, butterfly and freestyle.
In medley relays, each swimmer swims one stroke for the set distance; the order is backstroke, breaststroke, butterfly, and free style.
Whole stroke breathing Skills - a detailed study with focal points for practice of breathing technique for Freestyle, Breaststroke and Butterfly.
The most physically demanding stroke, the butterfly features the simultaneous overhead stroke of the arms combined with the dolphin kick.
Butterfly: a stroke made in the prone position where both arms are lifted simultaneously out of the water and flung forward, in combination with the dolphin kick.
Butterfly is a stroke that it will help to look at head on. But generally you can see everything you need to see from the side. You watch the head going into the water.
Some people said it is the hardest stroke. I don't think so. I have been doing this for sometime. But I am the fastest butterfly swimmer in the Europe.
Yes. In medley relays, each swimmer swims one stroke for the set distance; the order is back-stroke, breast-stroke, butterfly and freestyle.
And every time I swim the butterfly-stroke, I splash water about so much, it disturbs everyone.
The butterfly-stroke makes me tired very quickly.
Start with single arm fly, breathing low on every stroke, with one goggle in the water, using a straight arm recovery to simulate butterfly.
I know there are freestyle, back-stroke, breast-stroke, butterfly and dolphin stroke.
During, or at the end of the arm pull-down of the first stroke after the start and after each turn, a single downward butterfly kick is allowed, but not required, followed by a breaststroke kick.
I know there are freestyle, back-stroke, breast-stroke, butterfly and dolphin.
I know there are freestyle, back-stroke, breast-stroke, butterfly and dolphin.