The rules require funds to buy high-quality securities - and to ascertain that quality through their own due diligence, rather than relying only on credit ratings.
People who fly more than that would have to buy carbon credits on the equivalent of a credit card.
As an alternative to short selling, you can buy a credit default swap, which is a form of insurance on debt-not necessarily your own debt.
Borrowers use credit to buy houses, boats, and an extra Jaguar to park out on the lawn.
They know their customers' credit scores, credit histories, what they buy, when they buy, and when they are likely to default on their payments.
Now investors who believe that credit conditions will deteriorate for a particular company can buy a CDS on the bond, whether or not they own it.
It is the need to buy many overpriced gifts for your family, normally on a credit card.
Few locals have credit CARDS or bank accounts, making it hard for them to click on a link and buy something.
This "buy-now-pay-later" credit system is quite old. People have been buying things on credit for centuries.
Kanchi was just about to go and get some rice from Gopal Bhakta, the shopkeeper who knew her well and let her buy food on credit, when her son arrived, carrying a polythene bag with oranges.
While many people buy on impulse and put purchases on credit cards so they can have it now, that’s rarely necessary.
Abe, yearning for someone to buy him a jellyfish on the internet, despite the lack of computer or credit card;
And for the most part, hitting F5 really is ok — maybe not on the Buy it page because you don't know if the system bills your credit card twice, but for most cases, it works just fine.
Let’s say you buy a $25, 000 car on your 0% interest for 1 year credit card.
Workers flooded in, and speculators and builders alike could buy Hummers on credit.
The private-equity firms seized on cheap credit to buy $300 billion of businesses in the first half of the year (see chart 1).
在上半年,私人股本公司获取了大量低成本的贷款,进行了$300 billion的交易。
A credit-default swap may be described as an insurance that investors buy to compensate for a loss if a particular debtor defaults on its obligation.
信用违约互换(credit - default swap,简称CDS,又译为信用违约掉期)可看成是一种保险,投资者购买CDS以弥补一旦某特定债务人发生债务违约而可能给自己造成的损失。
If you don't have enough cash, why don't you make arrangements to buy the car on credit?
If the customer has a credit approval they can buy on account, other customers will have to pay at the time of purchase.
I love my luxuries as much as anyone else. The difference is, some people buy their luxuries on credit. It's the keep-up-with-the-Joneses trap.
Anytime you carry your ATM card or credit card you may be tempted to buy items on promotion which you might not need.
I could justify almost any expenditure, any impulse buy, and all of it went on the credit card.
From the outside people think we just throw loans up onthe website and people buy them, but on the inside there are credit models, pricing, complexity, bidding, APIs, and strategy.
It is a big holder of "hung" leveraged loans and bonds, mostly related to buy-outs agreed on in the credit bubble.
Companies like Encore buy bad loans from Banks and credit card issuers for pennies on the dollar and pocket the cash they collect.
This sort is like " business of money of buy or sell on credit " management mode, short Zhang period want half month, 20 days, long likelihood wants 9 months.
This sort is like " business of money of buy or sell on credit " management mode, short Zhang period want half month, 20 days, long likelihood wants 9 months.