By convention, filters work on lines of text.
Castle Windsor: How to register by convention with delegate method?
Now, the velocities after the collisions, by convention, are primed.
By convention, the JNDI names for all EJBs should start with the ejb segment.
A factory method, by convention, begins with create and returns the interface.
By convention, you also display the contents of a element in a monospaced font.
By convention, carbon atoms are showed in grey, oxygen in red, and hydrogen in white.
By convention an atom of an element is represented by an abbreviation of the element's name.
The binding files have, by convention, an.xjb extension and are created using any text editor.
Note that it's not completely random. The first two bytes are, by convention, the TLS version (03 01).
需要指出的是这并非全是随机数,按约定,最前面的两个字节是TLS版本(03 01)。
This ruling has put women at a disadvantage too: by convention they are less often named on deeds.
This ruling has put women at a disadvantage too: by convention they are less often named on deeds.
A well-known range of port Numbers is reserved by convention to identify specific service types on hosts.
The name of the definition file is important since, by convention, it will be used for the name of the resource.
And there is no obvious problem in power, since you can always do class-based OO by convention, if you want.
Because you did not specify any page for this view state, by convention admin.jsp will be served to the user.
通过使用admin . jsp,因为您不能为该视图状态指定任何页面。
Meanwhile by convention, please understand that the express fee of the samples should be paid by your company too.
One is that, by convention, the Department of Justice is expected to appeal decisions that strike down existing law.
By convention, create a folder in your plug-in named ruleinfo and put your HTML file inside of that, as Listing 1 shows.
The link register is only special by convention — the SPU assembly language allows you to set the link in any register you choose.
The link register is only special by convention -- the SPU assembly language allows you to set the link in any register you choose.
链接寄存器只在约定的意义上有一些特殊 ——SPU汇编语言允许在您所选择的任何 寄存器内设置链接。
The handedness of the helical wave fronts of the LG modes is linked to the sign of the index land can be chosen by convention.
By convention, the header is given the ID Lev, plus a number (for example, lev2), and the body is given the same ID with postfix _body.
按照惯例,为标题赋予IDlev加上一个数字(例如,lev2),正文使用相同的ID加后缀_ body。
By convention, assets and expense increases are recorded as debits while liability, capital and income increases are recorded as credits.
The difference is that buttons on a toolbar advertise their immediacy because they are known by convention to be imperative controls.
By convention, yui-main displays on the left, unless you add a class style to the outermost div to change the order of the two columns.
By convention, the name of a managed bean is the same as the class name, with the first letter of the class name converted to lowercase.
Note: it is possible to add attributes to the unit type, but by convention, all custom attributes are placed on capabilities rather than on units.
Variables representing constants a user might want to customize on the command line or in the environment are written in all uppercase, by convention.
Variables representing constants a user might want to customize on the command line or in the environment are written in all uppercase, by convention.