All the target if you have to do some adjust, update, will be eclipsed by the passage of time.
The map is changed, not just by the activity of the player and NPCs but also by the passage of time.
Remnants of family histories dating back to the Ming Dynasty still remain within the walls of houses untouched by the passage of time.
It is a life experiment in which problems can only be solved by the passage of time, and in which a sense of the work emerges only with time.
And, appropriately, some of our sites now confront their own mortality-endangered by pollution or just worn down, like a few of us, by the passage of time.
These researchers also claim that improvements of memory overnight can be explained by the mere passage of time, rather than attributed to sleep.
However sadly to be saying, along the passage of time, little by little, memories of our loved ones sometimes just fade off slowly from our mind.
The clock measures the passage of time in millionths of a second by counting the frequency of electromagnetic waves.
Ramified by the passage of sufficient time, any decision, indeed any action, will have large but inherently unpredictable consequences.
Hug me listen to the New Year bell as if the passage of time, surrounded by our common dream, full of love into a sincere blessing, happy New Year!
What truly underscores the passage of time is their guarded looks, trained by years of public scrutiny.
You hug me listen to the New Year's bell as if the passage of time, surrounded by our common dream, full of love into sincere best wishes: Happy New Year!
The indenture contract was a device that enabled people to pay for their passage to America by selling their labor to someone in the New World for a specified period of time.
The passage of time bit by bit, every minute, have a lot of the people of disaster areas due to the doctors and rescue officers and men of insufficient resources, and faced with the risk of death.
Seismograms are the records (paper copy) produced by seismographs used to calculate the location and magnitude of an earthquake. They show how the ground moves with the passage of time.
A general method for finding the Mean first passage time of go neral diffusion processes driven by shot noise is suggested.
The rate of passage of digesta through the digestive tract, which is best described by the mean retention time, is an important measure of gut function.
At the master's advice, the young monk recited the lection against the sun. By and by he neglected the passage of time.
A general method for finding the Mean first passage time of ge neral diffusion processes driven by shot noise is suggested.
The transient properties(mean first passage time T)of the tumor cell growth system driven by color Gaussian noise are investigated.
Secondly, on the basis of OD investigation, it applies the route cost-time model to analyze the shunt influence of the passenger flow caused by the land passage after it is completed.
As in nature, where you can understand the passage of time by studying the sedimentary layers of rock that lay below, history is layered on past achievements and events.
Thee passage of time bit by bit, every minute, have a lot of the people of disaster areas due to the doctors and rescue officers and men of insufficient resources, and faced with the risk of death.
Boy seems to always be busy, girls often separated by long, warm and cold line phone screen, the passage of time on the 1st day in cooling.
The passage of time bit by bit, every minute, have a lot of the people of disaster areas due to the doctors and rescue officers and men of insufficient resources, and faced with the risk of death.
You may unswervingly love or be loved by a person. But love will change its composition with the passage of time.
At the master's advice, the young monk recited the lection angist the sun. By and by he neglected the passage of time.
At the master's advice, the young monk recited the lection angist the sun. By and by he neglected the passage of time.