At the very beginning, information spread by word of mouth.
Memories of her are trapped in the grey cells of those who knew her, in photographs (analogue and digital), and in countless stories passed on by word of mouth.
Mr.Robinson says the site maintains its' trust and word of mouth 'by allowing only about 15% of its members to invite new members.
The news was carried by word of mouth to every settlement.
But now a new study by a marketing professor in Canada backs it up a step and seeks to understand how word of mouth affects the attitudes of the teller.
These are both concentrated markets where any failure to perform would quickly be spread by word-of-mouth throughout the industry.
News of the Vegas "organ harvesters" has been passed on by thousands and thousands of people over the course of 10 years. It has been relayed by word of mouth, e-mail and even printed fliers.
The art of telling a humorous story--understand, Imean by word of mouth, not print--was created in America, and has remained athome.
Word-of-mouth is the second most popular choice, one in five people (20%) relying on the information provided by colleagues, friends or relatives about their hotel experience.
Having heard about the movie by word of mouth, I finally watched the Thai summer hit Crazy Little Thing Called Love.
Long before the emergence of the written word, ballads, accompanied by music and dance, and myths, passed around by word of mouth, were widely popular.
Emboldened by low costs, easy access to imported products and the power of strong word of mouth, new businesses founded by American expatriates are popping up all over the city.
I do get some work through the Internet, but even in those cases it generally seems that people find me by word of mouth, rather than through LinkedIn or something like that.
Bruce initially marketed the site by word of mouth, telling friends via E-mail.
The star of that realm is Marcus Persson who has sold more than one million copies of his $20 game Minecraft, all by word of mouth from direct fans and not dime of marketing.
"Jerusalem" finally opened at the Royal Court Theatre last July, directed by Ian Rickson, their mutual friend; its reputation spread quickly by word of mouth.
In fact, use of the Self Check has spread internally among our development teams by word of mouth, because the goals are realistic, team-owned, and achievable.
By reputation, service and word of mouth to do marketing world leaders, these inseparable from the hard work and effort of each agent.
There is a big danger that forms of literature that are being transferred through word of mouth will die together with the elders who only know them by memory.
In fact, New Oriental idea is that sometimes children's market, especially the English market is not just driven by capital, which is driven by word -of - mouth.
After Dennis and Eckhardt taught novices like Jerry Parker how to make millions and the "school" closed, the experiment morphed into word-of-mouth legend over the years supported by few hard facts.
People will memorize the history by heart instead of only speak out the word-forget coming out of the mouth.
Writers for radio next learned how to suggest place and time by word of mouth, accompanied by the impressionistic use of sound and music.
Finally, by word of mouth and then observing the other homeless, I found out places where I could get myself a hot meal, so I could save money there.
The internet can dramatically boost the adoption of a product or service by "viral marketing, " network-enhanced word of mouth.
As a collective work handed down by word of mouth, folk oral narration is characteristic of formula, the cultural archetype of which lays a foundation for writers literary creation.
One does not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God.
One does not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God.