One typical case is that a binding provider is created for a specific application that has a few XML schema types that are not supported by the JAX-RPC specification.
一个典型的例子就是为一个特定的应用程序创建绑定提供者,这个应用程序有几个xml脚本类型是不被JAX - RPC规范支持的。
A typical e-business application use case would be realized by components in all the three layers on the server side.
A typical case was the murder of the Duke of Wei by his younger brother Zhou Xu.
A typical, recent case was the plea for a Coca-Cola bottling agreement filed by a Brazilian named Paulo Pereira Ignacio, who wanted to open a Coca-Cola plant in the town of Rio Preto (pop. 23,972).
最近一个典型的案例是,一个名叫保罗·佩雷拉·伊格·纳西奥的巴西人与可口可乐签订的灌装协议- - -他想在里约普雷托市(人口数量为23972)开设一家可口可乐工厂。
In many ways this is your typical YouTube video - a funny, goofy, short and clever video, in this case uploaded by and starring a professional comedian.
在很大程度上,这正是你的典型的YOU TUBE视频——一个有趣的,疯疯癫癫的,短期和聪明的视频,在这种情况下,上传这样的视频并担任其中的主演,那么这个专业的喜剧演员(极有可能成功)。
To illustrate how to build a map for this lightweight client, I have created a typical case by combining elements from actual projects.
This is a fairly typical sort of complex data, in this case ordering something by date, time, and ID number by concatenating the Numbers into a single number that we can then sort numerically.
In a typical use case, the flow of activity is driven by the interaction of a particular actor with the system toward the execution of a specific goal (for example, "managing a water-health sample").
Others, like case study two, are industry specific, yet have typical challenges that can be successfully addressed by SOA.
The work Science in Eastern Zhejiang School in Qing Dynasty written by Dr. Yang Xiaoming is just a typical case study in the field.
The validity of this model is proved by a case study of a typical polder area in Datong lake.
Aiming to re-envision the typical locked knife case, the designer concealed the products behind a set of glass doors that are intended to be opened by visitors.
The SKXE9-1 NC system is a typical case of using embedded technology which made by ourselves.
Based on the typical process case and typical process template, a new process planning can be generated by character of different shaft parts.
At the end it demonstrates parts of points by analysis of some typical and successful case.
Hade 4-11 well is a typical drill pipe sticking well of slim-hole and super long interval caused by damaged case to leak in Hade operation district of Tarim oilfield.
哈得4 - 11水平井属于塔里木油田哈得作业区典型的因上部套管破损漏失造成的小井眼超长井段沉砂卡钻井。
By introducing a typical case this paper expounds the common reasons for disbanding a corporation compulsorily in judicial procedure.
Those who defend Mr. Massau say his was a typical case of the outsider crushed by the establishment.
The principle "the class teaching case has strong pointed, drawing close to by this school outstanding typical source material achievement and infectiousness."
By introducing a typical case, this paper expounds the common reasons for disbanding a corporation compulsorily in judicial procedure.
Output characteristics were tested under two diluent injecting methods on a single tube discharge excited infrared multi-band chemical laser by taking DF as a typical case.
This paper ill analysis the typical case. The case triggered by the controversial issue will be explored, research.
Pearl s. Buck's works are influenced not only by Chinese culture consciously but also by western culture naturally. A typical case is that she draws a lot from Charles Dickens.
There are two types of thinking modes in the typical case reports:one is the traditional thinking mode, by which the typical cases are reported form the media's point of view;
A typical case was the murder of the Duke of Wei by his younger brother Zhou Xu.
Reported here is a typical engineering case history. The high-slope dangerous rock at Dahuangya is treated with unloading by means of coyote blasting.
By analyzing the comprehensive management practice in the typical case, this paper summed up? The successful experience and failures of Ping an, figures out? The improvements of Ping an.
Then, it takes the project constructed by China Railway 16th Group co., Lid as the typical case to analyze and research the labor subcontracting process during the construction procedure.
Then, it takes the project constructed by China Railway 16th Group co., Lid as the typical case to analyze and research the labor subcontracting process during the construction procedure.