This ACTS as a "signature" or "byte-order mark (BOM)" to identify the encoding and byte-order used in a file.
这作为一个“特征符”或“字节顺序标记(byte - order mark,BOM)”来识别文件中使用的编码和字节顺序。
The way these methods encode or decode the bytes is dependent on the ByteBuffer's current byte-order setting.
To control the byte order mark (BOM) in the stylesheet, you can now use the byte-order-mark Serialization parameter.
为了控制样式表中的字节顺序标志(byte - order - mark,BOM),可以使用byte - order - mark Serialization参数。
If the BLOB XML stream contains a byte-order mark (BOM), it is used to determine the assumed code page of the data inside the BLOB.
如果BLOBxml流包含一个byte - ordermark (BOM),那么可以用它来确定BLOB中的数据所设的代码页。
The Unicode Byte-Order Mark (BOM) in UTF-8 encoded files is known to cause problems for some text editors and older browsers. You may want to consider avoiding its use until it is better supported.
This means that several asynchronous reads complete out of order (as discussed before in section 3.6.2), and byte chunk streams returned by the pending reads will not be processed in order.
The byte order of the STABs binary data depends on the object file format.
Some toolkits were unable to parse the Unicode byte order mark sent by other toolkits.
The first phase translates the sequence of characters from byte order (how the characters are stored in memory) to the proper written order (as it would appear on paper).
UTF-16:16-bit UCS Transformation format, byte order identified by marker.
UTF - 16:16位UCS转换格式,用标记(marker)识别的字节顺序。
The locale setting will cause the % ls format specifier in printf to call the wcsrtombs function in order to convert the wide character argument string into the locale-dependent multi-byte encoding.
语言环境设置会导致printf中的%l s格式说明符调用wcsrtombs函数以便于将宽字符的参数字符串转换成依赖语言环境的多字节编码。
These functions are declared in /usr/include/netinet/in.h and convert values between network- and host-byte order.
这些函数在 /usr/include/netinet/in.h 中进行声明并且能够转换网络字节与主机字节之间的顺序值。
Endianness refers to the order in which the bytes of a multi-byte word are stored in memory.
If you have the option, use standard library functions to do byte-swapping operations, and standardize on the order in which bytes are stored in your data files; network byte order is the best.
VARCHAR Stores single-byte or multibyte text strings of varying length (up to 255 bytes); supports code-set order collation of text data.
CHAR Stores single-byte or multibyte text strings of fixed length (up to 32,767 bytes); supports code-set order in collation of text data.
Byte order: big endian or little endian.
UTF-16BE: 16-bit UCS Transformation format, big-endian byte order.
UTF - 16 BE:16位UCS转换格式,大尾数法字节顺序。
UTF-16LE: 16-bit UCS Transformation format, little-endian byte order.
UTF - 16le:16位UCS转换格式,小尾数法字节顺序。
Hopefully, you're a little puzzled at this point as to why the ByteBuffer class would need a byte order setting at all.
All three of these may or may not be preceded by a Unicode byte order mark in either UTF-8, big-endian UTF-16, or little-endian UTF-16.
所有这三行之前都可能有Unicode字节序标记,如utf - 8、big -endianUTF - 16或little -endian UTF - 16。
By default, the editor detects encoding by searching for byte order marks or charset tags.
When students do these embedded experiments, they do often face the problem of the transformation between big-endian and little-endian about byte order.
This method attempts to automatically detect the encoding of a file based on the presence of byte order marks.
The server doesn't care about byte order issues in unstructured data and isn't aware of them.
In order to improve the properties of a burst-indicator subcode it is proposed to encode the bits of a burst-indicator subcode byte into different channel words.
Converts an integer value from host byte order to network byte order.
Converts an integer value from network byte order to host byte order.
This means that we have to process the byte stream chunks in order to successfully read a complete package.
Causes the output file to be created in UTF-8 format, with a byte order marker.
导致用utf - 8格式和字节顺序标记创建输出文件。