The JVM performs JIT compilation of byte code into machine code.
The JPOX enhancer requires the Apache byte code engineering library (BCEL).
JPOX enhancer需要Apache字节码工程库(byte code engineering library, BCEL)。
NET version of Scala is also under development that generates CLR byte code.
一个能生成CLR字节码的基于.NET 的Scala版本也同时在开发中。
The latter three cache and optimize the byte code, providing for even greater speedups.
You have to decompile byte code and then perform change and after that compile code again.
Cglib 2.1: an open source byte code manipulation library you'll need to install to use the EasyMock class extension.
cglib 2.1:一个开放源码的字节码操作库,需要安装它才能使用easymock类扩展。
John discussed byte code transformers, which include Aspects, as one of the three types of Annotation processing options.
Unicode Transformation Formats (UTFs) are CESs that support the use of Unicode by mapping a value in a multi-byte code.
Unicode转换格式(Unicode Transformation Formats,UTFs)是一种通过映射多字节编码中的值来支持Unicode的字符编码方案。
Our detector needs to maintain state only during the byte code scanning phase, because we're looking for a method-level problem.
The reason has to do with the way the interpreter converts statements in scripts to valid Scala code before compiling to byte code.
We described all kinds of obfuscating methods as viewed from byte code and designed effective method to produce redundant code.
The optimizations performed by today's JVM are extraordinary, allowing byte code to outperform natively-compiled code in many cases.
如今JVM的性能优化是非凡的,它允许字节码(byte code)在许多情况下得到和本地编译的代码相同的性能。
There's a middle ground as well, in which human-readable language is translated into pseudo-code (sometimes called P-code or byte code).
This byte code level change, although a big step, does not in itself bring us to true bootstrapping because we are still left with the JDK dependencies.
It gives the architecture and realization mechanism of distributed partial evaluation based on the Java byte code specialization and grid features.
It's more advanced, however, providing many optimizations that allow interpreted byte code to run nearly as fast (sometimes faster) than precompiled code.
The current byte code enhancement approach that adds binding framework methods to your compiled classes is also an area where more flexibility would be useful.
They said that Terracotta USES a non-API based byte code enhancement approach that works very well for solutions aiming for the data replication problem space.
Since the LSL byte code isn't directly translatable into the il byte code used by Mono, only scripts that still have the original LSL source code can be ported.
因为LSL的编译代码并不能够直接翻译成Mono能够使用的IL代码,所以只有那些带有LS L源代码的脚本才能被移植过来。
It also allows us to perform extensive optimizations during deployment, potentially scanning byte code and optimizing code paths, without impacting online systems.
We use official APIs where they exist and we complement this data with byte code instrumentation to gather deep information that enables rapid troubleshooting.
There has been some analysis of source code versus byte code analysis and which provides the better results, but that discussion is beyond the scope of this article.
In addition, transreption allows the system to move information from inefficient forms into efficiently processable forms, for example, source code to byte code.
For the performance tests, I hand wrote the code that would normally be added through byte code enhancement and ran it using the then-current version of the JiBX runtime.
As byte code generated from JRuby will run in the JRE, the DSL is categorized as "internal" - which USES a general programming language to create a specific programming language.
Unlike some of the other tools, however, Findbugs USES byte code and the byte code Engineering Library, so it can be a challenge to learn how to implement new rules within the system.
Its static analysis analyzes source code and byte code, is pattern-based as well as flow - and path-based, and is capable of finding rule violations that cross methods, classes, and packages.
By means of byte code rewritten, the mechanism can forcibly unload the given service and can monitor main CPU, memory and networking bandwidth resources without modifying any of original code.
By means of byte code rewritten, the mechanism can forcibly unload the given service and can monitor main CPU, memory and networking bandwidth resources without modifying any of original code.